
Azure Virtual WAN with secured virtual hub demo

Primary LanguageBicepMIT LicenseMIT

Azure Virtual WAN with secured virtual hub demo

Warning Work-in-progress based on another demo Azure Firewall Demo.

Azure Virtual WAN with secured virtual hub demo enables you quickly deploy following environment:

Azure Virtual WAN with secured virtual hub demo architecture

In-Scope of demo

  • Quickly deploy Azure Virtual WAN with secured virtual hub environment
    • Initial deployment ~30-40 minutes and incremental deployments ~15-20 minutes
    • You can deploy multiple ones to separate resource groups
      • .\deploy.ps1 -ResourceGroupName "rg-azure-vwan-with-secured-hub-demo1"
      • .\deploy.ps1 -ResourceGroupName "rg-azure-vwan-with-secured-hub-demo2"
  • Learn how to structure firewall rules (and rule collection groups and policies)
  • Quickly test your firewall configuration with deployed helper apps
  • Provide ideas, how can you split responsibilities of firewall management
    • Centralized team to manage higher level rules e.g., Common, VNET and On-premises
    • Enable other people to participate e.g., update Spoke-specific rules
    • Normal development practices apply (pull request, code review, automated deployments, etc.)
      • Configuration is stored in git and deployed using service principal
      • End users don't need to have Contributor access to actual Azure Firewall resource


  • Separating solution into multiple resource groups
    • As in any normal Enterprise environment
  • On-premises connectivity deployment

Infrastructure notes

To optimize costs some resource pricing tier decisions has been made:

  • Jumpbox Ubuntu VM Standard_B2s
  • Estimated cost of demo environment: < 20 EUR, < 20 USD per work day

Implementation walk through

Azure infrastructure resources have been divided into following feature folders:

│   └───rulecollectiongroups
│       ├───1-common
│       ├───2-hub
│       ├───3-vnet
│       ├───4-on-premises
│       └───5-spoke
│           ├───spoke001
│           ├───spoke002
│           └───spoke003

vwan folder Virtual WAN and Hub related resources.

workloads folder contains deployment of virtual networks, subnets, network security groups and sample workloads for management and testing connectivity.

firewall folder contains deployment of Azure firewall.

rulecollectiongroups folder contains split of different firewall rules so that they would be easier to manage:

  • 1-common contains common critical rules, such as Windows Update etc.
  • 2-hub contains all hub specific rules
  • 3-vnet contains vnet-to-vnet and vnet-to-internet rules
  • 4-on-premises contains rules specific to on-premises network connectivity
  • 5-spoke contains rules that you need to implement as spoke specific

Centralized firewall team would maintain these rules:

  • 1-common
  • 2-hub
  • 3-vnet
  • 4-on-premises

Spoke teams can request firewall team to implement or they can implement their required changes under this path:

  • 5-spoke

Note: It does not matter who changes the rules, pull request, code review and deployment automation still applies. No rule maintenance in portal should be done.

Note: Spoke subnets have Network Security Groups (NSGs) deployed with Allow rule. You can also change them to test different scenarios.

In order to test firewall setup, all spokes have webapp-network-tester deployed. It enables you to execute paths of HTTP GET or HTTP POST requests (and other commands as well). Example: Post command to spoke001 to then further post command to spoke002. Using this method you can test if your rules work as expected.

Here is diagram that illustrates the testing flow using webapp-network-tester in our demo architecture:

Request flow in our architecture

If we look that same in sequence diagrams, we can see the overall process like this:

Overall firewall test process

And then the end-to-end test scenario like this:

Request flow in sequence diagram

Implemented firewall rules

Firewall rule collections

Firewall rule collections

All spoke networks

  • Internet access via firewall
    • www.microsoft.com is allowed


  • All traffic is routed to firewall
  • Internet access via firewall
    • github.com
    • bing.com
    • docs.microsoft.com
  • VNet accesses
    • Full access to spoke002
    • Http (port 80) access to spoke003
  • On-premises network access


  • All traffic is routed to firewall
  • Internet access via firewall
    • github.com
  • VNet accesses
    • Full access to spoke001
    • No access to spoke003
  • No on-premises network access


  • Traffic targeted to spoke001 address space is routed to firewall
  • Internet access via direct routing to internet
  • No VNet network accesses
    • No allow firewall rules defined
  • No on-premises network access


  1. Clone this repository to your own machine.
  • If you decide to download this as zip instead, then remember to Unblock file before extracting the content. Otherwise you might get Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful,this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message error. See also Unblock-File for more details.
  1. Update Azure Az PowerShell module (instructions)
  2. Install Bicep
  3. Open run.ps1 to walk through steps to deploy this demo environment
  • Execute different script steps one-by-one (hint: use shift-enter)

Try it yourself

Here are few tasks that you can try yourself:

Deploy new spoke network

Hint to get you started...

Open infrastructure/deploy.bicep and look for spokes array and see how it's used.

Allow access to www.linkedin.com from spoke001

Hint to get you started...

Open firewall/3-vnet/deploy.bicep and look for Allow-VNET-To-Internet-Application-Rules rule collection. It already contains rule for github.com as example.

Find firewall logs

  • ACI communicating with wwww.bing.com running inside spoke001 vnet
Hint to get you started...

Use IP address of ACI and then target address in your AzureDiagnostics query.


Here is example query:

| where Category <> "AzureFirewallDnsProxy"
| where OperationName == "AzureFirewallApplicationRuleLog"
| where msg_s contains "www.bing.com:443." and msg_s contains ""
| project TimeGenerated, msg_s

Improvement ideas

  • Look up (at least some) network IP ranges e.g., spoke vnet address spaces and pass them to firewall deployment as parameters
    • You wouldn't need to use hardcoded IP addresses
    • You can use e.g., resource graph queries to list all spokes etc.


bicep/docs/examples/301/modules-vwan-to-vnet-s2s-with-fw/ example templates.

Azure Firewall DevSecOps in Azure DevOps is great blog post and was one inspiration to built this demo.

Strong typing for parameters and outputs would further improve way how ruleCollections are passed on to the ruleCollectionGroups.

Virtual network traffic routing

Secured virtual hubs

Type-checking Bicep arrays and objects