Simple Kinesis

A Scala client for AWS Kinesis:

  • based on the AWS Java SDK Version 2 (async!)
  • based on the latest version of that
  • made for humans to use

Reading from Kinesis

It's easy:

import simplekinesis._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

val streamName    = "my-stream-name"
val reader        = new SimpleKinesisReader(Region.EU_CENTRAL_1)

reader.startListening(streamName, Model.LATEST)(1.second, 1.second) { record =>
  // do something with record!

// clean up in the end

Writing to Kinesis

import simplekinesis._

val streamName = "my-stream-name"
val writer     = new SimpleKinesisWriter(Region.EU_CENTRAL_1)

writer.write(streamName, "Hallo Welt!")

// clean up in the end

Trying locally

Your environment should be set in a way that you have access to a Kinesis stream. On a local machine, you usually do

aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::<projectId>:role/<some-role> --role-session-name temp-name --profile profile-name

and from that set your AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.


There are a few examples that you can run using sbt:

sbt:simplekinesis> runMain examples.ReadAndWriteExample

Mental Model

  • Kinesis has several streams (think: topics).
  • They can be sharded (think: distributed) across different computers.
  • A record (think: message) has a shardKey that determines the shard.
  • Every record has a sequenceNumber that is unique within its shard (not globally!).
  • To make sure you get every message, you have to make use of the shardIterator.
  • Whenever you get one or more messages, you also get the updated shardIterator.
  • In the next read request, you send the latest shardIterator and request everything that's newer.

For the initial read, there are different shardIterators to choose from:

  • LATEST — from now on
  • TRIM_HORIZON — from the beginning of the stream (max 7 days, default 24h)
  • AT_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) — for example now minus 5 minutes
  • AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER(sequenceNumber) — if you stored that in a database
  • AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER(sequenceNumber) — if you stored that in a database and don't trust Kinesis