
React Speedometer component using d3.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


react-d3-speedometer is a react component for showing speedometer like gauge using d3.

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NPM: npm install --save react-d3-speedometer

Yarn: yarn add react-d3-speedometer

// import the component
import ReactSpeedometer from "react-d3-speedometer";
// and just use it
<ReactSpeedometer />

Configuration Options:

prop type default comments
value number 0 Make sure your value is between your minValue and maxValue
minValue number 0
maxValue number 1000
segments number 5 Number of segments in the speedometer
forceRender boolean false After initial rendering/mounting, when props change, only the value is changed and animated to maintain smooth visualization. But, if you want to force rerender the whole component like change in segments, colors, dimensions etc, you can use this option to force rerender of the whole component on props change.
width number 300 diameter of the speedometer and the width of the svg element
height number 300 height of the svg element. Height of the speedometer is always half the width since it is a semi-circle. For fluid width, please refere to fluidWidth config
fluidWidth boolean false If true takes the width of the parent component. See Live Example for more details
needleColor string steelblue Should be a valid color code - colorname, hexadecimal name or rgb value. Should be a valid input for d3.interpolateHsl
startColor string #FF471A Should be a valid color code - colorname, hexadecimal name or rgb value. Should be a valid input for d3.interpolateHsl
endColor string #33CC33 Should be a valid color code - colorname, hexadecimal name or rgb value. Should be a valid input for d3.interpolateHsl
needleTransition string easeQuadInOut d3-easing-identifiers - easeLinear, easeQuadIn, easeQuadOut, easeQuadInOut, easeCubicIn, easeCubicOut, easeCubicInOut, easePolyIn, easePolyOut, easePolyInOut, easeSinIn, easeSinOut, easeSinInOut, easeExpIn, easeExpOut, easeExpInOut, easeCircleIn, easeCircleOut, easeCircleInOut, easeBounceIn, easeBounceOut, easeBounceInOut, easeBackIn, easeBackOut, easeBackInOut, easeElasticIn, easeElasticOut, easeElasticInOut, easeElastic
needleTransitionDuration number 500 Time in milliseconds.
ringWidth number 60 Width of the speedometer ring.
textColor string #666 Should be a valid color code - colorname, hexadecimal name or rgb value. Used for both showing the current value and the segment values
valueFormat string should be a valid format for d3-format. By default, no formatter is used. You can use a valid d3 format identifier (for eg: d to convert float to integers), to format the values. Note: This formatter affects all the values (current value, segment values) displayed in the speedometer
currentValueText string ${value} Should be provided a string which should have ${value} placeholder which will be replaced with current value. By default, current value is shown (formatted with valueFormat). For example, if current Value is 333 if you would like to show Current Value: 333, you should provide a string Current Value: ${value}. See Live Example


You can view Live Examples here

Default with no config - Live Example
<ReactSpeedometer />
With configurations - Live Example
Fluid Width Example - Live Example
// Speedometer will take the width of the parent div (500)
// any width passed will be ignored
<div style={{
    width: "500px",
    height: "300px",
    background: "#EFEFEF"
Needle Transition Example - Live Example

This is the needle transition used in the sample image

Force Render component on props change - Live Example
// By default, when props change, only the value prop is updated and animated. 
// This is to maintain smooth visualization and to ignore breaking appearance changes like segments, colors etc. 
// You can override this behaviour by giving forceRender: true

// render a component initially
// Now, if given forceRender: true, and change the appearance all together, the component will rerender completely on props change


  • Test coverage (with enzyme)
  • Convert entire code base to ES6


react-d3-speedometer comes with a test suite using enzyme.

// navigate to root folder and run
npm test
// or 'yarn test' if you are using yarn


View Changelog


react-d3-speedometer was started as a react port of the following d3 snippet - http://bl.ocks.org/msqr/3202712. Component template bootstrapped with React CDK. Also, many thanks to d3 and react ecosystem contributors.
