
A simple interface to the MAST CasJobs server (home of GALEX, Kepler, the Hubble Source Catalog, PanSTARRS, etc.)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This provides a simple interface to the MAST CasJobs server (home of GALEX, Kepler, the Hubble Source Catalog, PanSTARRS, etc.) using Dan Foreman-Mackey's casjobs interface.


Install current versions of both modules:

pip install git+git://github.com/dfm/casjobs@master
pip install git+git://github.com/rlwastro/mastcasjobs@master

Note that this uses some features that are not in the standard pip version of the casjobs module, so it will probably not work using a simple 'pip install casjobs'.

An example query that does a cone search for PS1 objects within 50 arc-sec of coordinates RA=187.706, Dec=12.391 (in degrees):

from __future__ import print_function
import mastcasjobs

query = """select o.objID, o.raMean, o.decMean,
o.nDetections, o.ng, o.nr, o.ni, o.nz, o.ny,
m.gMeanPSFMag, m.rMeanPSFMag, m.iMeanPSFMag, m.zMeanPSFMag, m.yMeanPSFMag
from fGetNearbyObjEq(187.706,12.391,50.0/60.0) nb
inner join ObjectThin o on o.objid=nb.objid and o.nDetections>1
inner join MeanObject m on o.objid=m.objid and o.uniquePspsOBid=m.uniquePspsOBid

# get your WSID from from <https://mastweb.stsci.edu/ps1casjobs/changedetails.aspx> after you login to Casjobs
# pwd is your Casjobs password
# These can also come from the CASJOBS_WSID and CASJOBS_PW environment variables
wsid = 265306138
pwd = "My super secret password"

jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(userid=wsid, password=pwd, context="PanSTARRS_DR1")
results = jobs.quick(query, task_name="python cone search")
