This repository is a collection of different matplotlib
plots in IPython notebooks that I needed for my data visualizations.
This project is not connected to the gallery on, although there might be some overlap and redundancy.
To view the IPython notebooks, simply click on the header links or images.
- 2D histograms / heat maps / levelplots
- 3D Plots
- Bar plots
- Boxplots and Violinplots
- Errorbar plots
- Formatting I: subplots, markers, colors, axes
- Formatting II: gridlines
- Formatting III: legends
- Formatting IV: style sheets
- Histograms
- Line plots
- Preparing Plots for Publication
- Scatter plots
- Special plots
- Clustering - Heatmaps and Dendrograms
- Tips and Tricks
If you have any suggestions or want to make additions, I would be very happy if you could send me
- an email,
- leave me a message on google+,
- or even send me a tweet on twitter (given you can fit it within the 140 character limit ;)).
Or even better: It would be great if you would simply fork this project and send me a pull request.