
A simple tool to manipulate window objects in Windows

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


What is it?

A simple utility to manipulate Windows window objects like buttons, menu bars, text boxes, OCX controls and others. Basically, anything that can be located as a Child Window and has an active window handle can be manipulated with some predefined attributes.

Supported Operating Systems

This has been tested on Windows 7, 8.1 and Windows 10. This may also work on Windows 2003/XP but that is untested territory.

Please note the executable binary made available in this repo is a x86 version.


  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 for Desktop to compile
  • Microsoft .NET Runtime 3.0 above present in the environment

Compiling and Running

  • Obtain a copy of Visual Studio 2013 for Desktop from the Microsoft website
  • Any visual studio environment built later than 2013 will work, but the project will go through a one way upgrade.
  • Open the WinManipulate.vbproj file to load the project.
  • You can compile your own binaries by using the Build menu or use the binaries provided in the release.


  • Use Visual Studio's debug option or compile and run the program WinManipulate.exe. It is recommended to run this program as Administrator.

Window From Point

  • The first tab allows (Window From Point) allows capturing window handles using the mouse cursor.
  • Click on Start Scan. This will allow you to move your mouse cursor over visible window objects and obtain their owner process IDs and window handles.
  • You can press the space bar or Alt+S to stop the scan so that the window handle is locked inside WinManipulate.
  • The program window shows the process name and PID, the Class Name of
  • You can then use the Alter Property drop down to select any of the following attributes and set that property to the locked handle window.
    • Show Window
    • Hide Window
    • Maximize Window
    • Minimize Window
    • Restore Window
    • Enable
    • Disable
    • Make Editable
    • Make ReadOnly
    • Activate/Click
    • Show Password
    • List Files & Folders (For List Boxes)
    • Add Scrolling (For List Boxes)

Window From Point

Window From Process

  • This tab allows you to interact with window objects based on running processes.
  • You can filter processes running as NT Authority\System. Very useful if you want to use this tool to discover privilege escalation bugs.
  • You can enumerate child windows here and manipulate their attributes.
  • Invisible windows are also listed here as long as the parent process is selected.
  • If the program is not launched with Admin rights (UAC elevated), then the username field will contain <access denied> for processes created by higher privileged users and process list filter will not kick in.

Window From Process

Known bugs

  1. The autoelevate option is not fully operational at this time. I'm working on a fix.