
Flask Project Template

Primary LanguagePython


templates used to fast create flask project.


pip install flask_template


flasktemplate create [-t simple] project_name

will create a flask project directory named after project_name on current path.

flasktemplate create -t mongo project_name

will create a flask project directory named after project_name on current path. mongo template will use mongodb instead of mysql.

flasktemplate list will list current supported templates.

normal project initial usage flow:

  1. cd {project_name}
  2. pyenv virtualenv {python_version} {virtualenv_name}
  3. pyenv activate {virtualenv_name}
  4. modify SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI with correct database account and database name
  5. design and develop models and migrate, apply them into database with:
    1. python manage.py db migrate
    2. python manage.py db upgrade
  6. design develop apis

update logs


  1. add mongo template
    1. use mongodb instead of mysql as database
    2. add hamlet user authentication, send email
    3. add celery wokers
    4. add send email, tar/zip file, send file
    5. add dockerfile


  1. update requirements
  2. fix bugs


  1. modify config.py;

  2. format by pycodestyle;


  1. add migrations directory,modify env.py script to support alembic:include, alembic:exclude options in alembic.ini to limit alembic dectecting tables;

  2. fix some typo;