
Cucumber BDD Selenium Framework

Primary LanguageHTML


Cucumber BDD Selenium Framework

What all tools are used in this project?

  • Cucumber
  • TestNG
  • Maven
  • Page Object Model design pattern
  • Extent Report
  • Cucumber Reporting (custom)

Packages Hierarchy - Main package: Utils --> DriverManager = contains driver initialization and other commonly used functions

Pages --> Page classes - Contains locators and getter/setters for each webpage

Test package:

Runner - Helps to run the test classes

Steps - Actual Code mapping for each feature

Feature - Contains feature files with respect to each test plan (or scenario preparation)

Resources - Contains basics cucumber report mappings and extent reports mapping.

TestNG.xml = can be used for execution or for parallel testing

POM.xml - heart of project - contains all the dependencies required by the project.

NOTE1 = Runner file is mapped for parallel testing so use it as required.

NOTE2- We can integrate TesstNG.xml with POM.xml to execute it via Jenkins depending upon Runner files tag or Different suites within TestNG.xml