
Like pika_greeting, but not ascii character, colors !

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pokemonify your terminal

These notbooks will help you to make your bash/fish/whaterish terminal with a pokemon greeting



  • make sure you have python3 installed
  • make sure you have pip3 installed

If not, get them using your favorite package manager apt-get, dnf, brew, wathever

Second: Make sure you have the libraries

  • jupyter (to use the notebooks)
  • numpy
  • PIL (for image IO)
  • magic (to list image attributes)
  • ansi (to get color codes)

If not, get them using pip3 install <my_missing_package>

Launch the experiment

First, go to the root of the folder, and launch jupyter: jupyter notebook

Next, open the 01_cut_pokemon.ipynb, and launch cells until error. If any, please report it. This notebook will transform a pokedex image (will 255 Pokemons) to 255 images (with one pokemon each).

It will work for most of them, but some will have troubles, and you will have to edit. (at least, you will not cut 255 Pokemon with gimp ;)

After that, you will have small images in the Poke/ directory

Set up your terminal

Read the script

Notebook 02_RGB_to_ANSI.ipynb will show you what we are going to do. We will convert pixels of our small images to squares of color.

For all

In the greeting.py file, change the path in order to access into the Poke/ folder.

Fish terminal

Write into fish terminal:

function fish_greeting
        set c  (eval tput cols)
        eval "/PATH/TO/THE/CODE/greeting.py" $c
echo -e (cat str_img.txt)
rm str_img.txt
funcsave fish_greeting

And change /PATH/TO/THE/CODE/ in order to access the script greeting.py


Do it yourself :D