
An anyrun plugin that lets you search NixOS options.

Primary LanguageRust


An anyrun plugin that lets you search NixOS options.

how 2 build?

nix build ... or cargo build optionally :)


This plugin requires a config in your anyrun config directory called nixos_options.ron. The file looks like this:

  options: {":prefix": ["/path/to/options.json"] }, // You can obtain NixOS's options.json using config.system.build.manual.optionsJSON
  min_score: 0, // Optional, the minimum score of entries to show. Set it to a larger value on slow machines. Default: 0
  nixpkgs_url: "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/nixos-unstable" // Optional, URL to Nixpkgs tree. Set it to use the same branch as you're using. Defaults to the unstable url.

Important: Make sure to set a max_entries in your anyrun config. Without that, the plugin will be VERY slow, since there exist over 16 thousand options to search through at the time of writing this. I have set mine to 10, since even that value is enough for it to go off-screen, so you shouldn't lose any data.

Using this with NixOS?

Under flakes, the following instructions will apply:

  1. Use the anyrun home-manager module
  2. Add the plugin to your anyrun plugins list
programs.anyrun.config = {
    # ...
    plugins = [
        # other plugins that you might have
    # ...
  1. Create a config file for it:
#                  ↓ make sure osConfig is in the argument set
{inputs, pkgs, osConfig,  ...}: {
    programs.anyrun.extraConfigFiles."nixos-options.ron".text = let
        #               ↓ home-manager refers to the nixos configuration as osConfig
        nixos-options = osConfig.system.build.manual.optionsJSON + "/share/doc/nixos/options.json";
        # merge your options
        options = builtins.toJSON {
          ":nix" = [nixos-options];
        # or alternatively if you wish to read any other documentation options, such as home-manager
        # get the docs-json package from the home-manager flake
        # hm-options = inputs.home-manager.packages.${pkgs.system}.docs-json + "/share/doc/home-manager/options.json";
        # options = builtins.toJSON {
        #   ":nix" = [nixos-options];
        #   ":hm" = [hm-options];
        #   ":something-else" = [some-other-option];
        #   ":nall" = [nixos-options hm-options some-other-option];
        # };

    in ''
            // add your option paths
            options: ${options},
  1. You are done. Rebuild your system and run anyrun as usual. :nix should bring up your NixOS (and any other configured) options

Without flakes, inputs... generally should be changed to or depending on your usage.