

Primary LanguagePython


Get data from NPR, info is retrieving by webscrapping and rss feed parsing

WIP - interaction with the npr api is a work in progress for more functionality


pip install pynpr


check the examples

browsing npr

from pynpr import NRPBrowser

NPR = NRPBrowser()

for p in NPR.podcast_categories():
    print(p.name, p.url)
# sample output
# technology https://www.npr.org/podcasts/2061/technology

for p in NPR.get_featured_podcasts():
    print(p.name, p.url)
# sample output
# planet money https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510289/planet-money

for show in NPR.get_shows():
    print(show.name, show.url, show.show_type)
# sample output
# YR Media https://www.npr.org/series/4692815/yr-media series
# Ask Me Another https://www.npr.org/programs/ask-me-another/ program
# The Best of Car Talk https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510208/car-talk podcast

searching podcast categories

from pynpr.podcasts import NPRPodcastCategory

science = NPRPodcastCategory("https://www.npr.org/podcasts/2047/science-medicine")
for p in science.podcasts:
    print(p.name, p.url)

# sample output
# the big one your survival guide https://www.npr.org/podcasts/674580962/the-big-one-your-survival-guide
# sci show tangents https://www.npr.org/podcasts/664422435/sci-show-tangents

getting podcast info

from pynpr.podcasts import NPRPodcast

p = NPRPodcast("https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510289/planet-money")


# sample output
# {'Apple Podcasts': 'https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?s=143441&mt=2&id=290783428&at=11l79Y&ct=nprdirectory',
#  'Google Podcasts': 'https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubnByLm9yZy9yc3MvcG9kY2FzdC5waHA_aWQ9NTEwMjg5',
#  'NPR One': 'https://rpb3r.app.goo.gl/M4f5',
#  'Pocket Casts': 'https://pca.st/9NRE',
#  'RSS link': 'https://www.npr.org/templates/rss/podcast.php?id=510289',
#  'Spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/show/4FYpq3lSeQMAhqNI81O0Cn',
#  'name': 'Planet Money',
#  'recent_episodes': [],
#  'related_podcasts': {"Find Money You Didn't Know You Had": 'https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510331/find-money-you-didnt-know-you-had',
#                       'Full Disclosure with Roben Farzad': 'https://www.npr.org/podcasts/682205174/full-disclosure-with-roben-farzad',
#                       'Secrets Of Saving And Investing': 'https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510330/secrets-of-saving-and-investing',
#                       'The Credits': 'https://www.npr.org/podcasts/666151782/the-credits'},
#  'summary': 'The economy explained. Imagine you could call up a friend and '
#             'say, "Meet me at the bar and tell me what\'s going on with the '
#             'economy." Now imagine that\'s actually a fun evening.',
#  'url': 'https://www.npr.org/planetmoney'}

podcast streams

from pynpr.podcasts import NPRPodcast

p = NPRPodcast("https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510289/planet-money")
for stream in p.streams:

# sample output
# {'author': 'NPR',
# 'published': 'Fri, 04 Jan 2019 18:23:00 -0500',
# 'rights': 'Copyright 2015-2018 NPR - For Personal Use Only',
# 'streams': ['https://play.podtrac.com/npr-510289/npr.mc.tritondigital.com/NPR_510289/media/anon.npr-podcasts/podcast/npr/pmoney/2019/01/20190104_pmoney_pmpod886-50ee597e-091e-4e23-9c5f-fd6c6c0d13e3.mp3?orgId=1&d=1018&p=510289&story=682331111&t=podcast&e=682331111&ft=pod&f=510289'],
# 'summary': 'Hackers are an expensive headache for companies. But there might '
#            'be a simple economic fix.',
# 'title': '#886: The Price of a Hack'} 

searching NPR

from pynpr.search import search_podcasts
from pynpr.podcasts import NPRPodcast

for result in search_podcasts("science"):
    podcast = NPRPodcast(result["url"])
# sample output
# {'date': 'January 9, 2019',
#  'episodes': [{'audio': {'duration': 90,
#                          'id': 683412944,
#                          'restricted': 'Global'},
#                'displayDate': {'dateTime': '2019-01-09T03:00:00-05:00',
#                                'longDate': 'January 9, 2019'},
#                'hasAudio': True,
#                'hasImage': False,
#                'id': 683412942,
#                'image': {},
#                'isExplicit': False,
#                'lastModifiedDate': 1546992000,
#                'title': 'Stronger Than Silk'},
#       (....) 
#               ],
#  'podcast': {'id': 381444663,
#              'image': 'https://media-s1.npr.org/images/podcasts/primary/icon_381444663-5a32d6e699f10721710daeccedb4c684e490beb3.jpg',
#              'name': 'The Loh Down on Science',
#              'owner': 'KPCC',
#              'url': 'https://www.scpr.org/programs/loh-down-on-science'},
#  'summary': 'Hosted by Sandra Tsing Loh, The Loh Down on Science is a fun way '
#             'to get your daily dose of science plus a dash of humor in less '
#             'than two minutes.',
#  'title': 'The Loh Down on Science',
#  'type': 'podcast',
#  'url': '/podcasts/381444663/the-loh-down-on-science'}