
This repo contains scripts to automatically launch pentesting practice websites without the need to configure them by hand.

Basic Process

  • Select services > compute > EC2
  • Select EC2 Dashboard > Create Instance > Launch Instance
  • Select Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type > Select
  • Select t2.micro > Next: Configure Instance Details
    • Click Advanced Details
    • Paste script into the User Data field
  • Select Next: Add Storage
  • Select Next: Add Tags
  • Select Next: Configure Security Group
  • Set the following values:
    • Type: All Traffic
    • Source: My IP
  • Select Review and Launch
  • Select Launch
    • Chose/Create/Continue without a key pair
    • Select Launch Instances
  • Select the first link after The following instance launches have been initiated:
  • Select the instance > Description > IPv4 Public IP