
An opinionated Clojure CQRS/ES implementation using Onyx, Datomic, DynamoDB, Kafka and Zookeeper.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


An opinionated CQRS/ES implementation using Onyx, Datomic, DynamoDB, Kafka and Zookeeper.


A quick guide to get started :

Install dynamodb local

Get dynamodb local from: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Tools.DynamoDBLocal.html

And then run:

java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar

Kafka & Zookeeper

Download and extract Kafka: http://kafka.apache.org/downloads.html

Run both these (probably in separate terminals)

bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

Then clone this repo and fire it up!

lein repl

=> (start)
"Setup complete"
=> (send-command :user/register {:name "Bob" :age 31})
=> (d/q '[:find [?e ...] :where [?e :user/name]] (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)))
=> (map #(d/touch (d/entity (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)) %)) *1)
({:base/uuid #uuid "54d8fc2e-6c1f-4fb6-93f9-bef9536a9f7d", :user/age 31, :user/name "Bob", :db/id 17592186045422})

Now we have a user in the system, let's fill out his profile a bit:

=> (send-command :user/update-email {:uuid #uuid "54d8fc2e-6c1f-4fb6-93f9-bef9536a9f7d" :email "bob@example.com"})
=> (send-command :user/disabled {:uuid #uuid "54d8fc2e-6c1f-4fb6-93f9-bef9536a9f7d"})
=> (map #(d/touch (d/entity (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)) %)) (d/q '[:find [?e ...] :where [?e :user/name]] (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri))))
({:base/uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095", :user/age 31, :user/email "bob@example.com", :user/name "Bob", :user/status :user.status/disabled, :db/id 17592186045422})

We can also send some pageviews and see how it updates the viewcount on the user (a possibly useful aggregate):

=> (send-command :user/pageview {:uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095" :url "http://www.example.com" :render-time 230})
=> (send-command :user/pageview {:uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095" :url "http://www.example.com" :render-time 212})
=> (send-command :user/pageview {:uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095" :url "http://www.example.com" :render-time 182})
=> (map #(d/touch (d/entity (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)) %)) (d/q '[:find [?e ...] :where [?e :user/name]] (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri))))
({:base/uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095", :user/age 31, :user/email "bob@example.com", :user/name "Bob", :user/status :user.status/disabled, :user/viewcount 3, :db/id 17592186045422})

Then lets have a look at the events:

=> (far/scan dynamodb-cred :events)
[{:date 1423510307575N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1008N, :id "86439637-8f1e-5170-9b23-824486e3506a", :type "user/pageviewed"} {:date 1423510178427N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1005N, :id "c67ccc74-c71c-5578-80ad-924c470f052f", :type "user/email-updated"} {:date 1423510316827N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1010N, :id "08316c9b-3fcd-5a9f-b095-4bf0c1a61a05", :type "user/pageviewed"} {:date 1423510210618N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1007N, :id "46ac00c9-bd7d-5903-91e0-af56d28ef751", :type "user/disabled"} {:date 1423510153513N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1000N, :id "be856c9c-0bf8-5ccc-bec1-bfa0f5a7e983", :type "user/registered"} {:date 1423510312463N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1009N, :id "5c2eb804-1016-5fa3-a868-c01b515f980d", :type "user/pageviewed"}]

The actual data is fressian encoded so that there's no pain with the transformation of clojure data structures.

NOTE: If you do actually use this for user aggregates and authentication, remember to at least bcrypt your passwords. Be very aware that sensitive data is written to multiple places in this system: the kafka queues, the dynamo event source and the datomic aggregate. This is a particularly important consideration for things like credit card details and passwords.


Copyright © 2015 Yuppiechef Online (Pty) Ltd.

Distributed under The MIT License (MIT) - See LICENSE.txt