
Github Actions Foundry License: MIT

How to use

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Set up your environment variables (see .env.example)
  3. Ensure you have foundry installed (see

Deploying to Optimism

  1. Navigate to script/Deploy.Optimism.s.sol
  2. Update 'owner' to your address (or an address you want to use to call withdraw accrued fees) on Optimism
  3. Update 'perpsV2ExchangeRate' to the address of the PerpetualsV2ExchangeRate contract on Optimism
  4. Follow the steps in the file to deploy the contract
  5. Add the deployed contract address to your README under "Deployment Addresses"

Deploying to Optimism Goerli

  1. Navigate to script/Deploy.OptimismGoerli.s.sol
  2. Update 'owner' to your address (or an address you want to use to call withdraw accrued fees) on Optimism Goerli
  3. Update 'perpsV2ExchangeRate' to the address of the PerpetualsV2ExchangeRate contract on Optimism Goerli
  4. Follow the steps in the file to deploy the contract
  5. Add the deployed contract address to your README under "Deployment Addresses"


├── src/interfaces/IAccount.sol
└── src/interfaces/IPerpsV2ExchangeRate.sol
    └── src/interfaces/IPyth.sol

Deployment Addresses


Optimism Goerli