Jared's Hakyll Blog


This is a static website built using hakyll.

Build the main binary

cabal build jblog

Build the binary any time site.hs changes.

Generate blog pages

cabal run jblog:site -- build

Serve the blog locally

cabal run jblog:site -- watch

Make a new entry

To make a regular post, create a markdown page named posts/20YY-MM-DD-my-title.md. Commit the new file to trunk and push to Github.

To make a slush post, create a markdown page named slush/20YY-MM-DD-my-title.md. Commit the new file to trunk and push to Github.

Helper script

Alternatively, use blog to create a new stub.

To make a note (a work-in-progress post):

./blog stub foo bar baz

To list the notes (and get their indices):

./blog notes

To move a note to slush or posts:

./blog publish 42
./blog publish -s 42

For more help:

./blog --help


Deployment to Github is done using a github-action.


Everything is in trunk.