3piControl ================= ...is program for 3pi robot (http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/975). Main purpose is controlling 3pi via bluetooth with smartphone/transmitter/etc. Protocol ================= Program currently handles only one packet with following structure: /* header */ 0xFF // start byte 0x01 // device id 0x05 // length 0x04 // opcode /* data */ int16_t right_speed; // -255 to 255 int16_t left_speed; // -255 to 255 Output ================= It sends back only text, in initial state it is voltage: \rXXXX mv When you press button A, it sends values from sensors: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX \n Buttons ================= Button A - switches between voltage and sensors info Button B - switches the soft acceleration mode Button C - sensors calibration