
Compress image using diffusion model.

Primary LanguagePython

Conditional Diffusion Compresion

A Reporece of the project "Conditional Diffusion Compression" Original project Link: https://github.com/buggyyang/CDC_compression


conda env create -f environment.yml


The dataset is from vimeo-90k dataset. http://toflow.csail.mit.edu/

Due to the server's file number limitation, I converted the images to NumPy format and saved them in an h5 file while extracting the dataset. As a result, all the images are stored in train.h5 and val.h5.

# Download the dataset
wget http://data.csail.mit.edu/tofu/dataset/vimeo_septuplet.zip

# unzip the dataset
# need to change the path variable in the unzip_vimeo.py
python data/pre_process_dataset/unzip_vimeo.py


python train.py


python test_xparam.py