
Speller is a spelling application that helps people improve their spelling.


  1. Able to create an account
  2. Able to create custom word sets for users with an account
  3. Can play with randomly generated words

Technologies Used

  1. HTML/EJS - Embedded Javascript Templates
  2. CSS/Bootstrap/Font Awesome
  3. Javascript/Jquery
  4. NodeJS/ExpressJS/Express Session
  5. PostgreSQL/node-postgres
  6. Axios


Uses the wordsapi to get random words and definitions https://www.wordsapi.com/docs

Database design

Users table - id, username, email, password Custom Sets table - id, words, user_id(relationship with Users table)

Install Locally

In order to use the application locally, there are a few things required.

  1. Local PostgreSQL Database is required for the application following setup in schema.sql
  2. .env file is required in the root of the application with the following variables: PGUSER="User of DB" PGHOST="Host of DB" PGDATABASE="Name of DB" PGPASSWORD="Password for DB" PGPORT="Port of DB" APIKEY="API key for wordsapi" SESSIONSECRET="any text for express-session library"