Implemented a simple tank game multiplayer game in C++ using UDP client server architecture.


Server discovery
- Using broadcast address (You can change it if needed in config.h)

Reliable messages (reliable_events.h & charlie_gameplay.hpp)

Map downloading 
- Client downloads the map from the server if not found on the client. Note: does not save the map on file. 
- I did not figure out how to send out map (did not fit in one package?) in less packages so now it will send every tile as separate package.
- You can test this by deleting (assets/map1.txt) from client

Cut bandwidth usage
- Sending entity and player data has been optimized by sending less data.
	- Position as uint16 for x and y
	- Turret and tank rotation as int16;
	- Similarly input bits use int16 for rotation (instead of float)

Master server
- master server address is in /assets/masterserver.txt
- You can change node app port and IP address in the .env file
- Local game server sends heartbeat messages to keep them in the server list
- NodeJS master server keeps a list of local  server addresses
- Clients requests game server from master server and receives it as bytearray
- launch masterserver from: "/masterserver/index.exe"
