Full Stack Finance Tracker

This is a full-stack finance tracker application where users can track their daily expenses and income. The application is built using React (Vite) for the frontend and MongoDB Atlas for the backend.


  • Add daily expenses and income
  • View past transactions
  • Visualize income and expenses with charts
  • User authentication and data security

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React (Vite)
  • Backend: MongoDB Atlas, Node.js, Express
  • Styling: CSS, Styled Components
  • Charts: Chart.js


Before you get started, ensure you have the following installed on your local machine:

Initial Setup

Frontend (React Vite)

Navigate to the frontend folder: cd finance-tracker/frontend

  1. Install dependencies: npm install

  2. Start the frontend: npm run dev

Navigate to the backend folder: cd finance-tracker/backend

  1. Install dependencies: npm install

  2. Create a .env file in the backend folder and add the following: PORT= MONGO_URl=

  3. Start the backend: npm start