- 26
Overriding bootstrap styles
#17 opened by jiangts - 1
Manual styles don't work in media blocks
#65 opened by aeriksson - 2
Support media print to customize the print page
#63 opened by ychenz - 5
- 1
- 5
- 18
- 51
Rum support for Stylefy
#56 opened by Azzurite - 4
Text-shadow anomalies in Chrome
#48 opened by paintparty - 3
Parity with Reagent for style values
#45 opened by paintparty - 1
- 1
- 1
#50 opened by paintparty - 2
Warnings on Figwheel build
#47 opened by paintparty - 5
Support for class names as keywords
#44 opened by paintparty - 3
modes nested in medias
#46 opened by paintparty - 5
How to silent the console warning upon reload
#39 opened by abhi18av - 2
Compile warning when requiring stylefly
#43 opened by didibus - 2
Update Node package from 0.0.1 to 1.14.1
#42 opened by codereport - 8
- 10
- 12
- 5
Non public function calls in Stylefy 1.10.0
#32 opened by jarnovayrynen - 7
Readable class names in development
#30 opened by lsnape - 16
Possible issue with refs
#29 opened by nijk - 2
A way to convert to inline styles only?
#28 opened by nijk - 3
stylefy should take a list of objects as first parameter to optimize css class creation
#27 opened by dantheobserver - 0
- 5
- 4
Is @font-face working?
#25 opened by nijk - 0
Is @font-face working?
#24 opened by nijk - 3
- 6
with-classes deprecated
#14 opened by fwaddle - 16
- 3
Convenience functions
#10 opened by tatut - 11
:after & :before pseudo elements don't work
#19 opened by nijk - 1
- 11
Style linting
#22 opened by nijk - 4
descendant selectors
#12 opened by kurtharriger - 0
1.2.0 Update
#11 opened by Jarzka - 0
What's next?
#6 opened by Jarzka - 6
Custom Tag styles [was: CSS reset]
#8 opened by polymeris - 2
Garden unit helpers do not work
#7 opened by tatut - 1
- 3
Support deeper sub-styles nesting.
#1 opened by lllShamanlll