Mura JS & Vue (client-side example)
These is the code example modules for the "Mura & Vue.js: A Love Story" Webinar & talk, but rewritten to use the standard "client-side" format that we now use as standard.
Note that Mura 7.1+ is required for these examples to work.
To test these examples:
- enable "Mura ORM Scaffolding" in the Site Settings > Edit Site > Modueles section of the Mura administrator
- deploy the "BlogMuraJSVue" folder inside the root /modules directory
- reload your Mura instance using ?appreload&applydbupdates to initialize the modules and set up the required "officelocation" Mura ORM object
- use "Inline Editing" on a blank page in your Mura site and drop the module into the main body of the page
Note that you can manage (add/modify/delete) the data used by this example by going to the Content > Custom tab in your Mura adminstrator and clicking on the "Office Location" custom object.