
Base Mura CMS plugin using FW/1 as its application framework.

Primary LanguageColdFusion


This is a base Mura CMS plugin using FW/1 as its application framework.  It's intended
to be used by experienced ColdFusion/CFML developers and those developers familiar with 
Framework One, or more commonly known as FW/1.

Assuming you've used FW/1 in the past, you'll need to know a few minor differences
between a typical FW/1 application and how it lives within Mura CMS. 

First of all, this plugin does use FW/1 subsystems. There are two primary subsystems 
at play here. One is 'admin' and the other is 'public'. This means your URLs will have 
either '?action=admin:your.view' or '?action=public:your.view'

Next, here are some of the more important files to be aware of and a little bit about
what they are.

This is the file that is typically known in FW/1 as '/org/corfield/framework.cfc' You
should be able to update this with the latest and greatest version available. No
modifications have been made to the file other than its name.

This file contains 'variables.framework' which is used by both FW/1 and Mura. The most
important variable in this file is:	variables.instance.package = 'muraFW1';
You MUST enter the plugin's 'packageName' here and it MUST be the same as found in 
'/plugin/config.xml.cfm'  So please be sure to change 'muraFW1' to match your plugin's
packageName.  Another important variable to note is 
variables.framework.baseURL='useRequestURI';  Do NOT change this setting! This setting is
required in order for Mura CMS and FW/1 to coexist.

This file extends fw1.cfc. Here is where you'll be able to edit common FW/1 methods
such as setupApplication(), setupSession(), setupRequest(), setupSubsystem() if needed.

This file extends mura.plugin.pluginGenericEventHandler.  Here is where you can access
commonly used Mura 'events' such as onApplicationLoad(), onSiteRequestStart(),
onRenderStart(), etc.

Mura CMS Project Home:		http://www.getmura.com
Mura Support:				http://www.getmura.com/index.cfm/support/
Mura Blog:					http://www.getmura.com/index.cfm/blog/
Mura Forum:					http://www.getmura.com/forum/
FW/1 Project Home:			http://fw1.riaforge.org
FW/1 Documentation wiki:	http://github.com/seancorfield/fw1/wiki
FW/1 Blog:					http://corfield.org/blog/archives.cfm/category/fw1
FW/1 Support:				http://groups.google.com/group/framework-one/