
Neovim plugin for tagging important files

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT



Theme: kanagawa


Grapple is a plugin that aims to provide immediate navigation to important files (and their last known cursor location) by means of persistent file tags within a project scope. Tagged files can be bound to a keymap or selected from within an editable popup menu.

See the quickstart section to get started.


  • Project scoped file tagging for immediate navigation
  • Persistent cursor tracking for tagged files
  • Popup menu to manage tags and scopes as regular text
  • Integration with portal.nvim for additional jump options



  • Install Grapple.nvim using your preferred package manager
  • Add a keybind to tag, untag, or toggle a tag. For example,
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>m", require("grapple").toggle)

Next steps


    dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
use {
    requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
Plug "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"
Plug "cbochs/grapple.nvim"


The following are the default settings for Grapple. Setup is not required, but settings may be overridden by passing them as table arguments to the grapple#setup function.

Default Settings
    ---@type "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error"
    log_level = "warn",

    ---Can be either the name of a builtin scope resolver,
    ---or a custom scope resolver
    ---@type string | Grapple.ScopeResolver
    scope = "git",

    ---The save location for tags
    ---@type string
    save_path = tostring(Path:new(vim.fn.stdpath("data")) / "grapple"),

    ---Window options used for the popup menu
    popup_options = {
        relative = "editor",
        width = 60,
        height = 12,
        style = "minimal",
        focusable = false,
        border = "single",

    integrations = {
        ---Support for saving tag state using resession.nvim
        resession = false,


Grapple API

Grapple API and Examples


Create a scoped tag on a file or buffer with an (optional) tag key.

Command: :GrappleTag [key={index} or key={name}] [buffer={buffer}] [file_path={file_path}] [scope={scope}]

API: require("grapple").tag(opts)

opts?: Grapple.Options

Note: only one tag can be created per scope per file. If a tag already exists for the given file or buffer, it will be overridden with the new tag.

-- Tag the current buffer

-- Tag a file using its file path
require("grapple").tag({ file_path = "{file_path}" })

-- Tag the current buffer using a specified key
require("grapple").tag({ key = 1 })
require("grapple").tag({ key = "{name}" })

-- Tag the current buffer in a specified scope
require("grapple").tag({ scope = "global" })


Remove a scoped tag on a file or buffer.

Command: :GrappleUntag [key={name} or key={index}] [buffer={buffer}] [file_path={file_path}] [scope={scope}]

API: require("grapple").untag(opts)

opts: Grapple.Options (one of)

-- Untag the current buffer

-- Untag a file using its file path
require("grapple").untag({ file_path = "{file_path}" })

-- Untag a file using its tag key
require("grapple").untag({ key = 1 })
require("grapple").untag({ key = "{name}" })

-- Untag a the current buffer from a scope
require("grapple").untag({ scope = "global" })


Toggle a tag or untag on a file or buffer.

Command: :GrappleToggle [key={index} or key={name}] [buffer={buffer}] [file_path={file_path}] [scope={scope}]

API: require("grapple").toggle(opts)

opts: Grapple.Options

-- Toggle a tag on the current buffer


Select and open a tagged file or buffer in the current window.

Command: :GrappleSelect [key={index} or key={name}]

API: require("grapple").select(opts)

opts: Grapple.Options (one of)

  • buffer?: integer
  • file_path?: string
  • key?: Grapple.TagKey (preferred)
-- Select an anonymous (numbered) tag
require("grapple").select({ key = 1 })

-- Select a named tag
require("grapple").select({ key = "{name}" })


Attempt to find a scoped tag.

API: require("grapple").find(opts)

returns: Grapple.Tag | nil

opts?: Grapple.Options (one of)

  • buffer?: integer (default: 0)
  • file_path?: string (overrides buffer)
  • key?: Grapple.TagKey (overrides buffer and file_path)
-- Find the tag associated with the current buffer


Attempt to find the key associated with a file tag.

API: require("grapple").key(opts)

returns: Grapple.TagKey | nil

opts?: Grapple.Options (one of)

  • buffer?: integer (default: 0)
  • file_path?: string (overrides buffer)
  • key?: Grapple.TagKey (overrides buffer and file_path)
-- Find the tag key associated with the current buffer


API: require("grapple").exists(opts)

returns: boolean

opts?: Grapple.Options (one of)

-- Check whether the current buffer is tagged or not

-- Check for a tag in a different scope
require("grapple").exists({ scope = "global" })


Cycle through and select from the available tagged files in a scoped tag list.

Command: :GrappleCycle {direction}


  • require("grapple").cycle(direction)
  • require("grapple").cycle_backward()
  • require("grapple").cycle_forward()

direction: "backward" | "forward"

Note: only anonymous tags are cycled through, not named tags.

-- Cycle to the previous tagged file

-- Cycle to the next tagged file


Return all tags for a given project scope.

Command: :Grapple tags {scope}

API: require("grapple").tags(scope)

scope?: Grapple.ScopeResolverLike (default: settings.scope)

-- Get all tags for the current scope


Clear all tags for a given project scope.

Command: :GrappleReset [scope]

API: require("grapple").reset(scope)

scope?: Grapple.ScopeResolverLike (default: settings.scope)

-- Reset tags for the current scope

-- Reset tags for a specified scope


Open the quickfix menu and populate the quickfix list with a project scope's tags.

API: require("grapple").quickfix(scope)

scope?: Grapple.ScopeResolverLike (default: settings.scope)

-- Open the quickfix menu for the current scope

-- Open the quickfix menu for a specified scope

Scope API

Scope API and Examples


Create a scope resolver that generates a project scope.

API: require("grapple.scope").resolver(scope_callback, opts)

returns: Grapple.ScopeResolver

scope_callback: Grapple.ScopeFunction | Grapple.ScopeJob

opts?: Grapple.ScopeOptions

  • cache?: boolean | string | string[] | integer (default: true)
  • persist?: boolean (default: true)
-- Create a scope resolver that updates when the current working
-- directory changes
    return vim.fn.getcwd()
end, { cache = "DirChanged" })

-- Create an scope resolver that asynchronously runs the "echo"
-- shell command and uses its output as the resolved scope
    command = "echo",
    args = [ "hello_world" ],
    cwd = vim.fn.getcwd(),
    on_exit = function(job, return_value)
        return job:result()[1]


Create a scope resolver that generates a project scope by looking upwards for directories containing a specific file or directory.

API: require("grapple.scope").root(root_names, opts)

returns: Grapple.ScopeResolver

root_names: string | string[]

opts?: Grapple.ScopeOptions

  • cache?: boolean | string | string[] | integer (default: "DirChanged")
  • persist?: boolean (default: true)

Note: it is recommended to use this with a fallback scope resolver to guarantee that a scope is found.

-- Create a root scope resolver that looks for a directory containing
-- a "Cargo.toml" file

-- Create a root scope resolver that falls back to using the initial working
-- directory for your neovim session


Create a scope resolver that generates a project scope by looking upwards for directories containing a specific file or directory from the current buffer.

API: require("grapple.scope").root(root_names, opts)

returns: Grapple.ScopeResolver

root_names: string | string[]

opts?: Grapple.ScopeOptions

  • cache?: boolean | string | string[] | integer (default: "BufEnter")
  • persist?: boolean (default: true)

Note: it is recommended to use this with a fallback scope resolver to guarantee that a scope is found.

-- Create a buffer-based root scope resolver that looks for a directory
-- containing a "Cargo.toml" file

-- Create a buffer-based root scope resolver that falls back to using
-- the initial working directory for your neovim session


Create a scope resolver that generates a project scope by attempting to get the project scope of other scope resolvers, in order.

API: require("grapple.scope").fallback(scope_resolvers, opts)

returns: Grapple.ScopeResolver

scope_resolvers: Grapple.ScopeResolver[]

opts?: Grapple.ScopeOptions

  • cache?: boolean | string | string[] | integer (default: false)
  • persist?: boolean (default: true)
-- Create a fallback scope resolver that first tries to use the LSP for a scope
-- path, then looks for a ".git" repository, and finally falls back on using
-- the initial working directory that neovim was started in


Create a scope resolver that takes in two scope resolvers: a path resolver and a suffix resolver. If the scope determined from the path resolver is not nil, then the scope from the suffix resolver may be appended to it. Useful in situations where you may want to append additional project information (i.e. the current git branch).

API: require("grapple.scope").suffix(path_resolver, suffix_resolver, opts)

returns: Grapple.ScopeResolver

path_resolver: Grapple.ScopeResolver

suffix_resolver: Grapple.ScopeResolver

opts?: Grapple.ScopeOptions

  • cache?: boolean | string | string[] | integer (default: false)
  • persist?: boolean (default: true)
-- Create a suffix scope resolver that duplicates a static resolver
-- and appends it to itself (e.g. "asdf#asdf")


Create a scope resolver that simply returns a static string. Useful when creating sub-groups with grapple.scope#suffix.

API: require("grapple.scope").static(plain_string, opts)

returns: Grapple.ScopeResolver

plain_string: string

opts?: Grapple.ScopeOptions

  • cache?: boolean | string | string[] | integer (default: false)
  • persist?: boolean (default: true)
-- Create a static scope resolver that simply returns "I'm a teapot"
require("grapple.scope").static("I'm a teapot")

-- Create a suffix scope resolver that appends the suffix "commands"
-- to the end of the git scope resolver


Clear the cached project scope, forcing the next call to get the project scope to re-resolve and re-instantiate the cache.

API: require("grapple.scope").invalidate(scope_resolver)

scope_resolver: Grapple.ScopeResolverLike

local my_resolver = require("grapple.scope").resolver(function()
    return vim.fn.getcwd()

-- Invalidate a cached scope associated with a scope resolver


Update the cached project scope. Unlike grapple.scope#invalidate which lazily updates the project scope, this immediately updates the cached project scope.

API: require("grapple.scope").update(scope_resolver)

scope_resolver: Grapple.ScopeResolverLike

local my_resolver = require("grapple.scope").resolver(function()
    return vim.fn.getcwd()

-- Update a cached scope associated with a scope resolver

File Tags

A tag is a persistent tag on a file or buffer. It is a means of indicating a file you want to return to. When a file is tagged, Grapple will save your cursor location so that when you jump back, your cursor is placed right where you left off. In a sense, tags are like file-level marks (:h mark).

There are a couple types of tag types available, each with a different use-case in mind. The options available are anonymous and named tags. In addition, tags are scoped to prevent tags in one project polluting the namespace of another. For command and API information, please see the Grapple API. For additional examples, see the Wiki.

Anonymous Tags

This is the default tag type. Anonymous tags are added to a list, where they may be selected by index, cycled through, or jumped to using the tag popup menu or plugins such as portal.nvim.

Anonymous tags are similar to those found in plugins like harpoon.

Named Tags

Tags that are given a name are considered to be named tags. These tags will not be cycled through with cycle_{backward, forward}, but instead must be explicitly selected.

Named tags are useful if you want one or two keymaps to be used for tagging and selecting. For example, the pairs <leader>j/J and <leader>k/K to select/toggle a file tag (see: suggested keymaps).

Project Scopes

A scope is a means of namespacing tags to a specific project. During runtime, scopes are typically resolved into an absolute directory path (i.e. current working directory), which - in turn - is used as the "root" location for a set of tags.

Project scopes are cached by default, and will only update when the cache is explicitly invalidated, an associated (:h autocmd) is triggered, or at a specified interval. For example, the static scope never updates once cached; the directory scope only updates on DirChanged; and the lsp scope updates on either LspAttach or LspDetach.

A project scope is determined by means of a scope resolver. The builtin options are as follows:

  • none: tags are ephemeral and deleted on exit
  • global: tags are scoped to a global namespace
  • static: tags are scoped to neovim's initial working directory
  • directory: tags are scoped to the current working directory
  • lsp: tags are scoped using the root_dir of the current buffer's attached LSP server, fallback: static
  • git: tags are scoped to the current git repository, fallback: static
  • git_branch: tags are scoped to the current git repository and branch (async), fallback: static

There are three additional scope resolvers which should be preferred when creating a fallback scope resolver or suffix scope resolver. These resolvers act identically to their similarly named counterparts, but do not have default fallbacks.

  • lsp_fallback: the same as lsp, but without a fallback
  • git_fallback: the same as git, but without a fallback
  • git_branch_suffix: resolves suffix (branch) for git_branch (async)

It is also possible to create your own custom scope resolver. For the available scope resolver types, please see the Scope API. For additional examples, see the Wiki.

-- Setup using a builtin scope resolver
    scope = require("grapple").resolvers.git

-- Setup using a custom scope resolver
    scope = require("grapple.scope").resolver(function()
        return vim.fn.getcwd()
    end, { cache = "DirChanged" })

Popup Menu

A popup menu is available to enable easy management of tags and scopes. The opened buffer (filetype: grapple) can be modified like a regular buffer; meaning items can be selected, modified, reordered, or deleted with well-known vim motions. Currently, there are two available popup menus: one for tags and another for scopes.

Screenshot 2022-12-15 at 09 05 07

Tag Popup Menu

The tags popup menu opens a floating window containing all the tags within a specified scope. The floating window can be exited with either q, <esc>, or any keybinding that is bound to <esc>. Several actions are available within the tags popup menu:

  • Selection: a tag can be selected by moving to its corresponding line and pressing enter (<cr>)
  • Deletion: a tag (or tags) can be removed by deleting them from the popup menu (i.e. NORMAL dd and VISUAL d)
  • Reordering: an anonymous tag (or tags) can be reordered by moving them up or down within the popup menu. Ordering is determined by the tags position within the popup menu: top (first index) to bottom (last index)
  • Renaming: a named tag can be renamed by editing its key value between the [ square brackets ]
  • Quickfix (<c-q>): all tags will be sent to the quickfix list, the popup menu closed, and the quickfix menu opened
  • Split (<c-v>): similar to tag selection, but the tagged file opened in a vertical split

Command: :GrapplePopup tags

API: require("grapple").popup_tags(scope)

scope?: Grapple.ScopeResolverLike (default: settings.scope)

-- Open the tags popup menu in the current scope

-- Open the tags popup menu in a different scope

Scope Popup Menu

The scopes popup menu opens a floating window containing all the loaded project scopes. A scope (or scopes) can be deleted with typical vim edits (i.e. NORMAL dd and VISUAL d). The floating window can be exited with either q or any keybinding that is bound to <esc>. The total number of tags within a scope will be displayed to the left of the project scope.

Command: :GrapplePopup scopes

API: require("grapple.popup_scopes()

-- Open the scopes popup menu

Persistent State

Grapple saves all project scopes to a common directory. This directory is aptly named grapple and lives in Neovim's "data" directory (see: :h standard-path). Each non-empty scope (scope contains at least one item) will be saved as an individiual scope file; serialized as a JSON blob, and named using the resolved scope's path.

Each tag in a scope will contain two pieces of information: the absolute file path of the tagged file and its last known cursor location.

When a user starts Neovim, no scopes are initially loaded. Instead, Grapple will wait until the user requests a project scope (e.g. tagging a file or opening the tags popup menu). At that point, one of three things can occur:

  • the scope is already loaded, nothing is needed to be done
  • the scope has not been loaded, attempt to load scope state from its associated scope file
  • the scope file was not found, initialize the scope state as an empty table

Suggested Keymaps

Anonymous tag keymaps

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>m", require("grapple").toggle)

Named tag keymaps

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>j", function()
    require("grapple").select({ key = "{name}" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>J", function()
    require("grapple").toggle({ key = "{name}" })



A statusline component can be easily added to show whether a buffer is tagged or not by using either (or both) grapple#key and grapple#find.

Simple lualine.nvim statusline

    sections = {
        lualine_b = {
                cond = require("grapple").exists

Slightly nicer lualine.nvim statusline

    sections = {
        lualine_b = {
                    local key = require("grapple").key()
                    return "  [" .. key .. "]"
                cond = require("grapple").exists,

Grapple Types

Type Definitions


Options available for most top-level tagging actions (e.g. tag, untag, select, toggle, etc).

Type: table


A tag contains two pieces of information: the absolute file_path of the tagged file, and the last known cursor location. A tag is stored in a tag table keyed with a Grapple.TagKey, but can only be deterministically identified by its file_path.

Type: table

  • file_path: string
  • cursor: integer[2] (row, column)


A tag may be referenced as an anonymous tag by its index (integer) or a named tag by its key (string).

Type: integer | string


Options available when creating custom scope resolvers. Builtin resolvers

Giving a scope resolver a key will allow it to be identified within the require("grapple").resolvers table. For a scope to persisted, the persist options must be set to true; otherwise, any scope that is resolved by the scope resolver will be deleted when Neovim exits.

In addition to scope persistence, a scope may also be cached for faster access during a Neovim session. The cache option may be one of the following:

  • cache = true: project scope is resolved once and cached until explicitly invalidated
  • cache = false project scope is never cached and must always be resolved
  • cache = string | string[] project scope is cached and invalidated when a given autocommand event is triggered (see: :h autocmd)
  • cache = integer project scope is cached and updated on a given interval (in milliseconds)

Type: table

  • cache: boolean | string | string[] | integer
  • persist: boolean


A synchronous scope resolving callback function. Used when creating a scope resolver.

Type: fun(): Grapple.Scope | nil


An asynchronous scope resolving callback command. Used when creating a scope resolver. The command and args should specify a complete shell command to execute. The on_exit callback should understand how to parse the output of the command into a project scope (Grapple.Scope), or return nil on execution failure. The cwd must be specified as the directory which the command should be executed in.

Type: table

  • command: string
  • args: string[]
  • cwd: string
  • on_exit: fun(job, return_value): Grapple.Scope | nil


Resolves into a Grapple.Scope. Should be created using the Scope API (e.g. grapple.scope#resolver). For more information, see project scopes.

Type: table


Either the name of a builtin scope resolver, or a scope resolver.

Type: string | Grapple.ScopeResolver


The name of a project scope that has been resolved from a Grapple.ScopeResolver.

Type: string

Inspiration and Thanks