Greetings! I'm Jaseem Khan 👋

I am an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Computer Science at Sindh Madressatul Islam University (SMIU). I am a Software Developer with practical experience in developing ERP applications, finance applications, Help Desk Customer Care Centers, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, Complaint Management Systems (CMS), and Asset Verification Tools.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working as a Software Developer.
  • 🌱 I'm currently working on my skills in SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, ERP modules, ERP applications, Oracle APEX, and Oracle Database.
  • 🚀 I'm currently diving into a personal project where I'm learning and working with React JS, Node JS, Express JS, and MongoDB.
  • 📝 I write articles on Jaseem Khan - Medium

Core Competencies 🎯

Front End:

✔ JavaScript ES6
✔ Ajax | jQuery (Initial Level)
✔ React JS (Mid Level)
✔ HTML5, CSS3, Pug, MaterialUI, Bootstrap & Sweet Alert

Back End:

✔ Oracle APEX
✔ Oracle Database
✔ Firebase (Mid Level)
✔ Node JS | Express JS (Mid Level)
✔ RESTful API Services
✔ Oracle APEX RESTful API Services
✔ MongoDB | Mongoose (Starting Level)
✔ Strong understanding of SQL relational database design
✔ Strong understanding of PLSQL tables and relationship hierarchy
✔ Strong understanding of RDBMS, DBMS, and database commands DDL | DML | DCL | TCL | DQL

Mobile Development:

✔ React Native (Beginner Level)

Tools & Services:

✔ Google Maps, Facebook Authentication
✔ Firebase - Authentication, Realtime, Firestore & Storage
✔ Heroku, Now & firebase Hosting
✔ Git | GitHub

Portfolio of Excellence 🏆