Camino extension tool that provides accessibility options to the platform. You can find our repository at
You can easily download extension by going to your local IDE and running in the command line:
git clone
From there, our extension will appear in the Assist-Abili folder.
Download the latest Assist Abili release and extract all files from the zip.
Navigate to this link in your Chrome browser: chrome://extensions/ . In the top right corner of the webpage there should be a tag called "Developer Mode", if not there there, enable Developer Mode in Chrome settings. Then enable Developer Mode. Now click on the tag "Load Unpacked" at the top left of the webpage. It will prompt you to select a folder, navigate to the directory that holds the Assist-Abili folder and select it. Once uploaded, you should see the Assist-Abili extension appear on the extensions screen. Make sure the extension is turned on using the slider button.
The extension will now appear when you navigate to the extension pop-up menu. Now, you can navigate to Camino @ :
From there, open up the extension pop-up menu and look for the Assist-Abili extension. When you click on it, it will open up a pop-up menu that will enable our accessibility extension.