- 3
"No such file" when using JRuby 1.7.0 & 1.7.1
#14 opened by nealeu - 8
- 2
Add m2e configuration
#40 opened by edalquist - 9
- 13
- 2
Compass build does not pick up config.rb
#43 opened by zackarychapple - 1
M2E connector
#48 opened by robianmcd - 1
Slow SASS compilation
#49 opened by theyelllowdart - 5
- 5
- 2
- 6
Explain "watch"
#59 opened by cowwoc - 2
Configuration documentation?
#61 opened by jameshfisher - 7
SASS 3.3 support
#64 opened by JeroenVdb - 2
- 4
Not respecting always_update = false
#68 opened by fragsalat - 1
round to 3 decimals
#69 opened by venkata82 - 3
- 3
Compilation Problem with compound selector's
#71 opened by TheSnoozer - 8
- 3
- 1
Please add an autoprefixer
#77 opened by Chris2011 - 1
Is there a way to specify to require a Ruby library before running Sass
#75 opened by NiteshKumarAnand - 1
"lint" target using scss-lint
#58 opened by mprins - 5
- 5
- 13
No obvious way to use Compass
#10 opened by argv-minus-one - 1
Spelling Mistake During Build
#42 opened by ritcheyer - 0
Missing data in LICENSE
#52 opened by BrodaNoel - 3
NameError: uninitialized constant Compass
#28 opened by makeroo - 1
sass:watch ruby puts to log
#32 opened by minman - 1
No such file or directory running watch goal
#25 opened by drock - 5
current snapshot fails compiling simple project
#22 opened by mprins - 2
- 1
Memory Leak
#17 opened by duhseekoh - 2
Errors in stylesheets dropped silently
#11 opened by argv-minus-one - 3
Cut and deploy 1.1.0 release to Maven Central
#13 opened by nealeu - 3
Passing relative paths to JRuby
#12 opened by snekse