
This project is a platform that allows users to create, discover and participate in events created by the members of community.

Primary LanguageJava

Application logo

This project is a platform that allows users to create, discover and participate in events created by the members of community.

Core features:

  • User registration and login
  • Event filtering by past, present and future ones (combinable)
  • Event creation with optional uploaded image
  • Sign-up and sign-out for/from events
  • Commenting on events
  • My Events page allowing to manage owned and attended events
  • REST API for all future events and filtered by dates
  • Thymeleaf frontend

Tools used to create project:

  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Github
  • Git
  • Trello

How to install

  • Run your favourite IDE
  • Prepare MySQL Workbench with
    • One main database
      • Database name: event_aggregation_app_db
    • One test database
      • Database name: event_aggregation_app_db_test
    • One user
      • Username: agg_event_user
      • Password: ZAQ!2wsx
      • Grant user all permissions to above databases permission screenshot
    • All above parameters can be changed in application.properties and/or application-test.properties.
  • Open your project in IDE and run it
  • By default app will be available under this URL: localhost:8080/home

Honorable mentions

Project created with @degorskiprzemyslaw and @Adrie0291