
MXNet implementation of RNN Transducer (Graves 2012): Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePython

RNN Transducer

MXNET GPU version of RNN Transducer loss is now available !

File description

  • eval.py: transducer decode
  • model.py: rnn transducer refer to Graves2012
  • DataLoader.py: data process
  • train.py: rnnt training script, can be initialized from CTC and PM model

Directory description

  • conf: kaldi feature extraction config

Reference Paper


  • Compile RNNT Loss Follow the instructions in here to compile MXNET with RNNT loss.

  • Extract feature link kaldi timit example dirs (local steps utils ) excute run.sh to extract 13 dim mfcc feature run feature_transform.sh to get 26 dim feature as described in Graves2012

  • Train RNNT model:

python train.py --lr 1e-3 --bi --dropout .5 --out exp/rnnt_bi_lr1e-3 --schedule


Default only for RNNT

  • Greedy decoding:
python eval.py <path to best model parameters> --bi
  • Beam search:
python eval.py <path to best model parameters> --bi --beam <beam size>


  • CTC

    Decode PER
    greedy 22.27
    beam 20 21.83
  • Transducer

    Decode PER
    greedy 23.02
    beam 20 22.45
    beam 40 22.34
    beam 60 21.92
    beam 80 22.15


  • beam serach accelaration
  • several baseline
  • Seq2Seq with attention