
basic golang concepts

Primary LanguageGo


This is a golang tutorial codes, all codes find on https://golangbot.com website.

Tutorial Series (Serire Name + Directory)

  1. Introduction and Installation - installation
  2. Hello World - hello
  3. Variables - variables
  4. Types - types
  5. Constants - constants
  6. Functions - functions
  7. Packages - packages
  8. If else statement - ifelsestatement
  9. Loops - loops
  10. Switch Statement - switch
  11. Arrays and Slices - array&slices
  12. Variadic Functions - variadicfunctions
  13. Maps - maps
  14. Strings - strings
  15. Pointers - pointers
  16. Structures - structures
  17. Methods - methods
  18. Interface I - interface-i
  19. Interface II - interface-ii
  20. Introduction to Concurrency - concurrency
  21. Goroutines - goroutines
  22. Channels - channels
  23. Buffered Channels and Worker Pools - bufferedchannel
  24. Select - select
  25. Mutex - mutex
  26. Structs Instead of Classes - structsInsteadOfClasses
  27. Composition Instead of Inheritance - compositioninsteadofinheritance
  28. Polymorphism - polymorphism
  29. Defer - defer
  30. Error Handling - error
  31. Custom Errors - customerrors
  32. Panic and Recover - panicrecover
  33. First Class Functions - firstclassfunctions
  34. Reflection - reflection