Cognizant Backend Code Challenge

This project contains an api with REST endpoints for interacting with a database of music album data. Functionality includes basic CRUD, album index, artist albums, popular genres, and popular year queries.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



wget -qO- | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs```

node package manager

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

Packages: express, mongoose, body-parser

npm install express npm install mongoose npm install body-parser

### Running the Project

Clone the repository.

git clone --?url

Run the server from the project root directory.

node server.js

## Functionality Tests

The project is hard-coded to run on localhost:3000. Postman ( can be used to test the following REST endpoints.

Create a new album

PUT http://localhost:3000/albums/ BODY: {album: albumName, artist: artistName, genre: genreDescription, year: ####}

Get a list of albums

GET http://localhost:3000/albums/

Update an album.
Note: id properties are displayed when querying for list of albums.

PUT http://localhost:3000/albums/[id] BODY: {album: albumName, artist: artistName, genre: genreDescription, year: ####}

Delete an album.

DELETE http://localhost:3000/albums/[id]

Get an index of artists

GET http://localhost:3000/albums/artists

Get all of an artists albums

GET http://localhost:3000/albums/albums/[artist]

Get genres ranked by number of albums

GET http://localhost:3000/albums/genres/

Get years ranked by number of albums

GET http://localhost:3000/albums/years/

## Built With

* [Node.js] - The platform used
* [Express] - The web framework used
* [Mongoose] - package used for interacting with Mongodb
* [Mongodb] - database platform
* [MLab] - Mongodb hosting through AWS

## Authors

* **Jason Herman**