
(Approx)ShiftedInverse is a general framework which estimates monotonic functions under user-DP. The work is submitted to CCS 2022. The project is structured as follows.

│   README.md
│   └───Baseline
│   └───Graph
│   └───TPCH
│   └───Graph
│   └───TPCH

./Code includes the codes for (Approx)ShiftedInverse, and ./Code/Baseline includes the codes for the baselines, including ZetaSQL, R2T and RM.

./Data/Graph and ./Data/TPCH store the relations for the graph and TPCH datasets. Due to the size of the files, the relations are not uploaded here, and can be found at Graph and TPCH.

./Exponential stores the computation results of \check{f}(V,j)'s.

./Information/Graph and ./Information/TPCH store the extracted information of the queries for the graph and TPCH datasets. The information is also not uploaded, and can be downloaded at Graph and TPCH.

./Query stores the queries used in the experiments.

./Result stores the results of the experiments.

./Script stores the scripts used in the experiments.

./Temp is used to store tempoaray files generated in the experiments.


The framework is built on the following tools:

The framework is built on Python3.7, and relies on the following dependencies.

  • getopt
  • math
  • matplotlib
  • multiprocessing
  • numpy
  • os
  • psycopg2
  • random
  • sys
  • time

Demo Example

A simple example is included here on how the framework works. The example computes the number of edges in the Gnutella dataset.

Step 1: Create database and import data.

The first step is to create a database for the graph dataset and import the relations. To create the database, run

createdb Gnutella;

To import the relations to the database, go to ./Code/ and run ProcessDataGraph.py with

python ProcessDataGraph.py -d Gnutella -D Gnutella -m 0 -e 0
  • -d: the name of the folder containing all the relations;
  • -D: the name of the database;
  • -m: 0 for import and 1 for clean;
  • -e: 0 for undirected and 1 for directed;

Step 2: Extract the information.

The second step is to extract the information, i.e., the relationship between the users and the tuples, for the given function and dataset. For the particular example here, run

python ExtractInformation.py -D Gnutella -Q ../Query/Graph/edge.txt -O ../Information/Graph/Gnutella/edge.txt
  • -D: the name of the database;
  • -Q: the path for the query;
  • -O: the path for the output information;

Step 3: Compute \check{f}(V,j)'s.

The third step is to compute the \check{f}(V,j)'s as stated in our algorithm by running

python ComputeR_Sum_Sj.py -I ../Information/Graph/Gnutella/edge.txt -e 1 -b 0.1 -D 8011008 -d 10 -O ../Exponential/Graph/Gnutella/Sum_Sj/edge_1.txt -p 10
  • -I: the path for the information;
  • -e: the privacy budget \varepsilon;
  • -b: the failure probability \beta;
  • -D: the upper bound D;
  • -d: the error level of the output;
  • -O: the path for the output \check{f}(V,j)'s;
  • -p: the number of processors;

Step 4: Sample an output.

Finally, we can sample an output using the \check{f}(V,j)'s. More specifically, run

python Exponential.py -I ../Exponential/Graph/Gnutella/Sum_Sj/edge_1.txt -e 1 -b 0.1 -D 8011008 -d 10
  • -I: the path for the information;
  • -e: the privacy budget \varepsilon;
  • -b: the failure probability \beta;
  • -D: the upper bound D;
  • -d: the error level of the output;

Note that the value for -e, -b, -D, -d should be the same for step 3 and 4 to ensure the mechanism satisfies DP.