
A benchmark about struct and string representation performance in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

A benchmark about struct and string representation performance


I'm writing a Rust program which will create some immutable struct values, which are, the struct values that won't change after being initialized. For these values, there are multiple ways to represent them. They can be represented directly by themselves, by Box of them, by Rcof them and by Arc of them. Also, there are a lot of representations of immutable strings, including Box<str>, String, Rc<str> , Arc<str> and bytes::Bytes . So I decide to do a benchmark to find out which representation has the best performance under certain situation.

Benchmark Result

You can download the criterion result from releases.

Through analysis, I found:

  1. For struct, heap allocation overhead is too much. Even using Box or Arc might reduce a little moving or cloning overhead, it's not worth it.
  2. For strings, Arc and Rc requires an extra clone which results in slower construction. However if the string will be cloned, Arc and Rc is often faster. Bytes creation is cheap but cloning cost a bit more than plain Arc.
  3. For the string which has length of 128, the overhead difference is less than 100ns , so if the string is not super-long or won't be cloned for many times, optimizing for zero-cost might not worth it.


A optimized Arc<String>.