
The REST service that allows users to create, view and manage posts, using vert.x, based on Domain Modeling Made Functional and some of my ideas.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Note: this project will NOT be maintained. Here is a similar project using ktor.

The REST service that allows users to create, view and manage posts, using vert.x, based on the Domain Modeling idea from Scott Wlaschin and some of my ideas.


  • Executes the generate task to generate the code that adds route setup for vert.x.
  • Setup MySQL (or any compatible database such as MariaDB).
  • Execute setup.sql in the database.
  • Configure the service based on Vert.x Config. The available fields are
    • secret: key for encrypting JWT.
    • mysql: MySQL database connection URI.
    • expireSecs: The available duration of JWT token, in seconds.
    • cost: the cost of BCrypt to store the password.
  • Deploy the verticle, e.g. execute the run task.

Code Structure

This project utilizes code-as-documentation. The information contained in the code is as close as possible to the documentation.

  • Using the Vertical Slice Architecture. Each package under me.jason5lee.ktpost except common represents a workflow and contains the related code.
  • Under each workflow package
    • The file with the workflow name contains the domain model. They represent shared model for both programmers and non-programmers.

    • The file with the name api.kt includes the information of the API. This file can serve as API documentation. It includes

      • The API endpoint.
      • Authentication and authorization.
      • How the workflow input is built from the query, which shows the query format.
      • How the response is built from the workflow output, which shows the response format.

      If you are the client side that need to call the API or you are writing the API document you can refer to these code.

    • The file Implementation.kt includes the implementation details of the workflow, mostly the persistence part.

  • Under the common package
    • models.kt includes the shared domain models.
    • api.kt includes the shared information of the API.
    • Some other common utilities.

Failure Design

If an error does not infer the problem of the program itself, but which should be presented to the user and let user solve it, it's called a failure. The example of a failure can be the invalid value for the certain field or not found.

It uses Result<T, F> to represent possible failure. It is like Result<T> in the standard library except the failure is not limited to Throwable but a generics type F. For the errors of the program, it uses exception.

Invalidation Error Design

The workflow input uses the inline classes defined in models.kt which can only by constructed after validation. The workflow itself only need to focus on valid value.

The invalidation can be caused by user providing an invalid input, wrong implementation of the client and the invalid value in the persistence. For example, a required field being missing in the request is an error caused by wrong implementation. Since no matter what user enter, the client should always put it at the correct field. An invalid value for a field, on the other hand, is an error caused by user input.

These three kinds of invalidation should be handled differently by client. For invalid user input, the client should show the user why it's wrong and let user fix it. For the other two kinds, it should just tell user that something is wrong and let user report this issue to developers.

If the invalidation is caused by wrong implementation, a 400 Bad Request is responded. If the invalidation is from the user input, it may respond a 422 Unprocessable Entity, or 404 Not Found for query condition. If the invalidation is from the databse, it responds a 500 Internal Server Error.

What you may NOT learn from this project.

  • How it does code generation. It may not be a good way but just works for this sample.
  • The authorization. It uses JWT token without refresh token.