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A Priority Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation with Trajectory Plans and Feature-Location Cues

This repository contains source code and sample data for the priority map module (PM-VLN) and feature-location framework (FLPM) introduced in the paper "A Priority Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation with Trajectory Plans and Feature-Location Cues". Our PM-VLN module is inspired by priority maps - a mechanism described in neurophysiological research that modulates sensory processing on cues from the environment. We propose a computational implementation of cross-modal prioritisation that combines high-level trajectory estimation and feature-level localisation to optimise the prediction of actions in Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN). The PM-VLN is integrated into the FLPM to enhance the performance a cross-modal transformer-based main model. In experiments, the FLPM with PM-VLN doubles the task completion rates of standalone transformers on the Touchdown benchmark.



Python version >= 3.7

PyTorch version >= 1.8.0

# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/JasonArmitage-res/PM-VLN.git
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Framework

Steps to Run with Sample Data

This repository contains data samples to run the FLPM framework with integrated PM-VLN for initial review of the code. Please see below for details on the sample data. We tested and ran the framework with these samples on a single Tesla GPU with 16GB of RAM.

  • CD into the main directory.
  • Install requirements for the project: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Unzip the archive containing the datasets (see below for details on contents): unzip SupMat_and_datasets_paper_id_672
  • Start training using the command line below.
python main.py --dataset vln_sl_sample --img_feat_dir ./datasets/vln_sl_sample/features/ --pt_feat_dir ./datasets/vln_sl_sample/pt_features/ --hidden_dim 256 --model vbforvln --vln_batch_size 2 --fl_batch_size 5 --max_num_epochs 1 --exp_name train_sample_new --store_ckpt_every_epoch True --fl_dir datasets/mc_10_sample --fl_dataset mc_10 --fl_feat_dir datasets/mc_10_sample/features --fl_pt_feat_dir datasets/mc_10_sample/pt_features --max_instr_len 180 --max_window_len 80 --max_t_v_len 140 > flpm_sample_out.txt

Steps to Run with Full Datasets

Please see below information on the full auxiliary datasets and access to Touchdown. Notes on conducting individual experiments are provided in the paper. A sample command line for training the framework is added below (please update directory paths with locations of the MC-10 and Touchdown datasets).

python main.py --dataset touchdown --img_feat_dir ./datasets/touchdown/features/ --pt_feat_dir ./datasets/touchdown/pt_features/ --hidden_dim 256 --model vbforvln --vln_batch_size 30 --fl_batch_size 60 --max_num_epochs 80 --exp_name train_new --store_ckpt_every_epoch True --fl_dir datasets/mc_10 --fl_dataset mc_10 --fl_feat_dir datasets/mc_10/features --fl_pt_feat_dir datasets/mc_10/pt_features --max_instr_len 180 --max_window_len 80 --max_t_v_len 140 > flpm_full_out.txt


Sample Data

We present in this repository samples from the following datasets:

  • mc_10_sample - data from MC-10 to train the PM-VLN module.
  • vln_sl_sample - sample VLN dataset containing nine modified samples of routes from StreetLearn.

Full Datasets

Experiments conducted for the paper above require pretraining the PM-VLN module on the auxiliary datasets generated for this research and evaluating the framework on the Touchdown benchmark.

Components in the PM-VLN module are pretrained on the following:

  • MC-10 - dataset of visual, textual and geospatial data for landmarks in 10 US cities.
  • TR-NY-PIT-central - set of image files graphing path traces for trajectory plan estimation in Manhattan and Pittsburgh.

Versions of the auxiliary datasets are made available under Creative Commons public license at this link.

In order to access and download Touchdown and StreetLearn, please refer to this link.


Please use our code and add a citation if you find it interesting.

Jason Armitage, Leonardo Impett, and Rico Sennrich. "A Priority Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation with Trajectory Plans and Feature-Location Cues." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.11717 (2022).
Link: https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/WACV2023/html/Armitage_A_Priority_Map_for_Vision-and-Language_Navigation_With_Trajectory_Plans_and_WACV_2023_paper.html


  author={Armitage, Jason and Impett, Leonardo and Sennrich, Rico},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, 
  title={A Priority Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation with Trajectory Plans and Feature-Location Cues}, 


This research is released under MIT license (please click here).