Arduino Mega based Accordion midi controller using photointerruptors for bass (left-hand) section mapping and USB midi keyboard for treble (right-hand) section through USB host shield.
Thanks to Dmitry Yegorenkov I have packed up courage to start my mission to convert an acoustic accordion (Hohner Concerto III in my case) into a digital midi controller. The project took me the whole year 2014 (in my free time) to complete.
I have updated Dmitry's code to the new Arduino IDE and decided to combine with Yuuichi Akagawa's so that apart from being cost effective, it will have touch sensitivity on the right-hand keyboard and less time-consuming to build. Using an off-the-shelf midi keyboard, first Akai LPK25 and then Samson Graphite M32 to have more keys available, costs approx £50 more but saves you 34 or 41 opto-interrupters and their mapping! The bass section is relatively easier to map since all bass combinations use only 24 pallets.
Bass side pallets with opto-interruptors:
Bass side bellows side showing counterpart opto-interruptor circuits, Arduino-Mega and USB host shield.
First working project using Akai LPK25 controller keyboard:
Final working project using Samson Graphite M32 USB controller keyboard:
First Youtube video showing first prototype - warning! looks very primitive, made several people laugh :)
Myself playing using the final working project:
Now my project has evolved into