This is a basic todo database scheme with users and a todo list.
Create a REST api server to store and read data from the provided SQLite Database called todos.db. data.sql is the script that was used to populate the database. Hint: use the crudy snack application worked through during the presents as a model!
The table layouts are as follows:
- todoid primary key, not null int
- description string, not null
- datestarted datetime
- completed boolean (0 = false 1 = true)
- userid foreign key (one user to many todos) not null
- userid primary key, not null int
- username string, not null
Expose the following end points
GET /users - returns all the users
GET /todos - return all the todos
GET /users/userid/{userid} - return the user based off of the user id
GET /users/username/{username} - return the user based off of the user name
GET /todos/todoid/{todoid} - return the todo based off of the todo id
GET /todos/users - return a listing of the todos with its assigned user's name
GET /todos/active - return a listing of the todos not yet completed.
POST /users - adds a user
POST /todos - adds a todo
PUT /users/userid/{userid} - updates a user based on userid
PUT /todos/todoid/{todoid} - updates a todo based on todoid
DELETE /users/userid/{userid} - Deletes a user based off of their userid and deletes all their associated todos
DELETE /todos/todoid/{todoid} - deletes a todo based off its todoid
Add Swagger Documentation to your REST APIs
Add custom responses to each of the follow error conditions
- 200 - successfully retrieve list
- 401 - not authorized for this resource
- 403 - access to resource forbidden
- 404 - resource not found
Add custom Swagger Documentation to each of the follow End Points. The rest of the end points may just have the default documentation.
- GET /todos
- GET /todos/users
- GET /todos/active
- PUT /todos/todoid/{todoid}
- DELETE /todos/todoid/{todoid}
- For a stretch goal - add custom responses to the rest of the end points
Add flyway data migration
- for this project we will just have the starting migration. The DDL for creating the tables can be found in the file tables.DDL
the end points should return null when no data is found.
change end points so they return data that is deleted or a new copy of updated data
End points should return the data they worked with or nothing if no data was found
Expose at least the following the actuator endpoints to help with system mangagement
Stretch goal - update each of these three actuator endpoints to report your own messages.