Source code for my personal website. MIT Licensed. Contains a copy of my resume, as well as some links to Github. :octocat:

Forking Note

If you fork this repo, please change the form action to an email address you own before trying it out. Thaaaanks!

<form action="" method="POST" class="form-horizontal" role="form">

Built using:

Bootstrap for CSS
jQuery for JS
namecheap for the awesome domain
GitHub Pages for hosting
CloudFlare for the SSL cert and fancy green lock 🔒
git for source control

Based on the Creative Bootstrap theme from Start Bootstrap. The theme is also MIT Licensed.

View it here:

Check out some of my other webpages at


I have a custom domain connected to GitHub, so my GitHub Pages repositories do not follow the usual format. Instead they follow a "" format. If the domain fails for some reason, you can still access my site by going to