
A wrapper script for the wargames at http://overthewire.org

This is a wrapper script for the wargames on http://overthewire.org.
Right now, it only supports the wargames that run over standard SSH.

You can install it by issuing the following command in your shell:
wget -O ~/.otw https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zx96/otw-wrapper/master/otw
curl -o ~/.otw https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zx96/otw-wrapper/master/otw

After that, you need to source it in your .bashrc or similar file:
echo "source ~/.otw" >> .bashrc

After you install it, you'll need to either start up a new shell or
manually run "source ~/.otw" in an existing shell.

The syntax for the script is "otw [level] [password]".
For example, you can type "otw bandit0 bandit0" to log into the first level
of the Bandit wargame.
After you've successfully logged in once, the script will store the valid
password away in ~/.otwpass.
Once this happens, you can log in again anytime with just "otw [level]".

If you want to set up WeChall (http://overthewire.org/about/wechall.html),
run setup_wechall and type in your username and token.
The script will store your credentials in ~/.wechall and that file will be
sourced by the script.

If you want to set up WeChall later on after doing a few levels, or if you
just forget to run wechall for a level, you can run "otw [level] wechall"
to log into the level and update WeChall.
Some levels (namely, those that don't just give you a shell, like bandit26)
break this, and you'll just have to connect and run wechall manually.