
Python Services and Service Manager Experiment

Primary LanguagePython


This was a simple python application that tries to model the lifecycle of asynchronous services. It has good logging, clean code, and lots of tests. Generally it ended up very far from what I had originally envisioned.


This project can make use of pypy.

brew install pypy

mkvirtualenv --python $(which pypy) pypy-git-pub
# then always use pypy in place of python
# you can also use pip, which should be referenced by
# the new virtualenv

Upgrade Pip to the lastest:

pip install --upgrade pip

Below is the manual list which should match the requirements.txt file. Note that the below are ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED.

pip install -U --pre github3.py
pip install -U requests
pip install -U CacheControl
pip install -U pytest
pip install -U requests_mock
pip install -U futures
# pypy already provides, pip install -U greenlet
pip install gevent==1.1b6 # get latest release from https://github.com/gevent/gevent/releases
# non pypy: pip install -U gevent
pip install -U enum34
pip install -U scales
pip install -U flask
pip install -U pytest-flask
# pip install -U gipc # may require `xcode-select --install` to be run
pip install -U tox
pip install -U structlog
pip install -U ipython
pip install -U jupyter
pip install -U python-igraph
pip install -U matplotlib
pip install -U Jinja2
pip install -U numpy
pip install -U pyzmq
pip install -U tornado
pip install -U sympy
pip install -U six
pip install -U pyparsing
pip install -U radon # https://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/commandline.html
pip install -U xenon


Unit Tests

Uses py.test:

# make sure your in the root of the project

Integration Tests

Uses tox. See:

  1. tox.ini
  2. requirements.ini
  3. setup.py




Generate Requirements

pip freeze > requirements.txt