
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This is a fork of truffleHog but with several modifications that make it even more useful.

"Searches through git repositories for secrets, digging deep into commit history and branches. This is effective at finding secrets accidentally committed."

Build Status



Warning: While we try to mask data when found it may not be perfect. This is why diffs are by default not printed.

Forked Features

New features added:

  • handles the new GitHub authentication token formats
  • some code was reformatted to python standard (spacing, naming).
  • by default the application will mask passwords (see --show-secrets if you would rather see them).
  • a new arg --show-secrets will show secrets found, by default will NOT show secrets.
  • a new arg --print-diff will print the diff. By default, the diff is not printed for better security (questionable) if unknown or uncontrolled logging is being done. The output will always include the file where a secret is found. This works to suppress the diff field even in json output!
  • temporary files are no longer created for security, thus also no cleanup.
  • the cleanup flag is now removed, cleanup is no longer required.
  • a summary is printed when --json is used.
  • a summary is printed when --json and --json-streaming is used, however we remove the foundIssues key as they would have been previously streamed.
  • results are no longer streaming to stdout by default when using --json, and json output is done at the end (though this usually needs more memory, I've eliminated some structures that were being stored). This could be problematic with extremely large repositories. The benefit is that the json output can now be parsed as a single result. Use streaming option if you wish not t batch.
  • a new arg --json-streaming allows streaming json results, requires also specifying the --json arg, useful for piping commands. Note that this will no longer be the typical 'finalized' json object you'd expect.
  • no longer print or store the blob diff, we only now store the masked diff.
  • remove project_path from output for security.
  • no longer depends on truffleHogRegexes, it is now embedded under 'truffleHogger'.
  • version is bumped to version='3.0.0', and the name changed from truffleHog to truffleHogger.
  • the commit message for each result is truncated to 120 characters.
  • when specifying --branch the branch name is explicitly what was used instead of 'FETCH_HEAD' which made the output confusing.
  • new arg --entropy_threshold_base64, allows tuning of base64 threshold, default is set to 4.5.
  • new arg --entropy_threshold_hex, allows tuning of hex threshold, default is set to 3.0.
  • new arg --length_threshold, allows specifying the minimum length of words which will be scanned for entropy, default is set to 20.


We build an image that you can use: docker pull ghcr.io/ecri-org/trufflehogger:latest


All branches run the test actions. Tagging build and release a container. To release a version the prefix must be start with v. For example, v3.0.0 When versioning change version in the version file. This will drive versioning throughout the build and container building pipelines.

Note: the build version Dockerfile is set up as an arg with a default value, if the build is working correctly the proper values should be passed through (read from the version file).

Original Readme

Build Status codecov

Searches through git repositories for secrets, digging deep into commit history and branches. This is effective at finding secrets accidentally committed.


truffleHog previously functioned by running entropy checks on git diffs. This functionality still exists, but high signal regex checks have been added, and the ability to suppress entropy checking has also been added.

truffleHog --regex --entropy=False https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHog.git


truffleHog file:///user/dxa4481/codeprojects/truffleHog/

With the --include_paths and --exclude_paths options, it is also possible to limit scanning to a subset of objects in the Git history by defining regular expressions (one per line) in a file to match the targeted object paths. To illustrate, see the example include and exclude files below:


# lines beginning with "#" are treated as comments and are ignored
# regexes must match the entire path, but can use python's regex syntax for
# case-insensitive matching and other advanced options



These filter files could then be applied by:

trufflehog --include_paths include-patterns.txt --exclude_paths exclude-patterns.txt file://path/to/my/repo.git

With these filters, issues found in files in the root-level src directory would be reported, unless they had the .classpath or .jmx extension, or if they were found in the src/test/dev/resources/ directory, for example. Additional usage information is provided when calling trufflehog with the -h or --help options.

These features help cut down on noise, and makes the tool easier to shove into a devops pipeline.



pip install truffleHog


Custom regexes can be added with the following flag --rules /path/to/rules. This should be a json file of the following format:

    "RSA private key": "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----"

Things like subdomain enumeration, s3 bucket detection, and other useful regexes highly custom to the situation can be added.

Feel free to also contribute high signal regexes upstream that you think will benefit the community. Things like Azure keys, Twilio keys, Google Compute keys, are welcome, provided a high signal regex can be constructed.

trufflehog's base rule set sources from https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHogRegexes/blob/master/truffleHogRegexes/regexes.json

To explicitly allow particular secrets (e.g. self-signed keys used only for local testing) you can provide an allow list --allow /path/to/allow in the following format:

    "local self signed test key": "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nfoobar123\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "git cherry pick SHAs": "regex:Cherry picked from .*",

Note that values beginning with regex: will be used as regular expressions. Values without this will be literal, with some automatic conversions (e.g. flexible newlines).

How it works

This module will go through the entire commit history of each branch, and check each diff from each commit, and check for secrets. This is both by regex and by entropy. For entropy checks, truffleHog will evaluate the shannon entropy for both the base64 char set and hexidecimal char set for every blob of text greater than 20 characters comprised of those character sets in each diff. If at any point a high entropy string >20 characters is detected, it will print to the screen.


usage: trufflehog [-h] [--json] [--regex] [--rules RULES] [--allow ALLOW]
                  [--entropy DO_ENTROPY] [--since_commit SINCE_COMMIT]
                  [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH]

Find secrets hidden in the depths of git.

positional arguments:
  git_url               URL for secret searching

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json                Output in JSON
  --regex               Enable high signal regex checks
  --rules RULES         Ignore default regexes and source from json list file
  --allow ALLOW         Explicitly allow regexes from json list file
  --entropy DO_ENTROPY  Enable entropy checks
  --since_commit SINCE_COMMIT
                        Only scan from a given commit hash
  --branch BRANCH       Scans only the selected branch
  --max_depth MAX_DEPTH
                        The max commit depth to go back when searching for
                        File with regular expressions (one per line), at least
                        one of which must match a Git object path in order for
                        it to be scanned; lines starting with "#" are treated
                        as comments and are ignored. If empty or not provided
                        (default), all Git object paths are included unless
                        otherwise excluded via the --exclude_paths option.
                        File with regular expressions (one per line), none of
                        which may match a Git object path in order for it to
                        be scanned; lines starting with "#" are treated as
                        comments and are ignored. If empty or not provided
                        (default), no Git object paths are excluded unless
                        effectively excluded via the --include_paths option.

Running with Docker

First, enter the directory containing the git repository

cd /path/to/git

To launch the trufflehog with the docker image, run the following"

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/proj" dxa4481/trufflehog file:///proj

-v mounts the current working dir (pwd) to the /proj dir in the Docker container

file:///proj references that very same /proj dir in the container (which is also set as the default working dir in the Dockerfile)


  • A way to detect and not scan binary diffs
  • Don't rescan diffs if already looked at in another branch
  • A since commit X feature
  • Print the file affected