
Simple site testing hosting multiple sites in one firebase project. This was created following this tutorial from Maksim Ivanov.

Both admin-site and public-site were created using npx:

npx create-creact-app public-site
npx create-creact-app admin-site

The pages were just modified to show which site is which. I did git init in each directory and pushed them to new github repos. Then in the main directory I added them as submodules and pushed to my new repo here:

git submodule add git@github.com:JasonGoemaat/goemaat-matest-admin.git admin-site
git submodule add git@github.com:JasonGoemaat/goemaat-matest-public.git public-site

After building each from it's directory (yarn build), it created build subdirectories.

To update my firebase tools I had to do these:

  • npm i -g firebase-tools
  • firebase logout
  • firebase login
  • firebase init
    • make sure 'hosting' is selected and pick a site name for firebase, all else defaults I think

Then edited firebase.json manually to change hosting to an array and create 'targets' pointing to our two sites:

  "hosting": [
      "target": "public",
      "public": "public-site/build"
      "target": "admin",
      "public": "admin-site/build"

Then used commands to associate those targets to the original site (public) and a new site I created in the firebase console under hosting for the project:

firebase target:apply hosting admin goemaat-ma-admin-area
firebase target:apply hosting public goemaat-multiple-apps

firebase target:apply hosting tournament goemaat-ma-tournament