This is a repository for the problem sets for ESG's 8.022 class, as of spring 2011.

The template file is SP_212-8_022_Spring_2011_Problem_Set_00_Template.tex.
When LaTeXed, this file makes a problems pdf, a problems only .tex file,
and a solutions .tex file.  You'll need to LaTeX the solutions file to
get a solutions pdf.

To get new changes that have been made by someone else, type
  git pull origin master:master
in a terminal, when you are in the same folder as this file.
If this fails (saying that the commit was not a fast-forward), try
  git pull origin master:master -f
You should always check for updates in this way BEFORE you start editing.

To save changes that you have made, with git, type
  git add .
  git commit -am "Type a description of your changes here."
in a terminal, when you are in the same folder as this file.
To make it so that others can see the changes as well, type
 git push origin master:master

If you want to revert any changes that may have happened between now and the last time you saved (commited), type
  git reset --hard

If you have trouble TeXing the document (if it tells you that it's
missing style files), then run the script