A Cypress plugin specifically created for SDK's that integrate
with Auth0! Cypress-Auth0-Simulator will simulate an auth0 server, running on localhost
, so you
don't have to create fake Auth0 accounts while developing or running tests that require authentication!
- No interaction with real Auth0 servers making any token request completely free!
- Supports multiple SDK's that integrate with Auth0!
- Create individual users for each test, each with a unique set of claims, permissions or scopes!
- Can be run in CI/CD pipelines!
- Works with the latest Cypress and Auth0 SDK versions!
- cypress-auth0-simulator uses a package called @simulacrum/auth0-simulator, which will start a GraphQL interface/web server (by default on localhost:4000), ready to accept mutations.
- An Auth0 simulated server is created with all the normal Auth0 endpoints (by default on localhost:4400).
- In each Cypress test, a user can be registered through the use of the
command. - The application under test uses those user credentials to request a token from the simulated Auth0 server, which is then used to put the application in an authenticated state.
npm install cypress-auth0-simulator --dev
This plugin supports the following javascript sdks that interface with auth0:
To set the correct SDK, you need to set the AUTH0_SDK
environment variable inside your cypress.config.ts or through
any of the usual cypress environmental variables options.
in the cypress.config.ts file
// integrations/cypress/cypress.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
env: {
// This is the SDK used to communicate with Auth0, can be either 'auth0-js', 'auth0-vue', 'auth0-react' or 'nextjs-auth0'
AUTH0_SDK: 'auth0-js',
or with the use of an .env
file (
examples: auth0-vue, auth0-react, nextjs-auth0
or create-react-app)
# .env.auth0-react
// cypress/support/e2e.ts or in your cypress/support/commands.ts
import 'cypress-auth0-simulator/commands';
We need to register an encrypt cypress task.
// cypress.config.ts
import { encrypt } from 'cypress-auth0-simulator';
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on) {
on('task', { encrypt });
// cypress.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on) {
const { encrypt } = require('cypress-auth0-simulator');
on('task', { encrypt });
An example of all the possible environment variables can be found in the cypress.config.ts file.
// cypress.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
env: {
// This is the SDK used to communicate with Auth0, can be either 'auth0-js', 'auth0-vue', 'auth0-react' or 'nextjs-auth0'
AUTH0_SDK: 'auth0-js',
// This is the port of the simulated Auth0 server to which the Auth0 SDK will connect
// The intended consumer of the token
AUTH0_AUDIENCE: 'https://your-audience/',
// The Client ID of the Auth0 application
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: '67c25b266aa911ee8c990242ac120002',
// The type of authentication flow used by the Auth0 SDK
AUTH0_CONNECTION: 'Username-Password-Authentication',
// The default scope for the Auth0 user
AUTH0_SCOPE: 'openid profile email offline_access',
// This is the secret used to sign the JWT tokens
// This is the secret used to encrypt the session cookie
// This is the name of the session cookie used by the Cypress tests
These same variables can also be set through the use of env
files: (
examples: auth0-react, nextjs-auth0 create-react-app)
# /integrations/cypress/.env.auth0-react
AUTH0_SCOPE="openid profile email offline_access"
NOTE: Make sure that the SDK you're using is pointing to the same values as you're passing in the Cypress env
when running in Cypress!
// Auth0-Vue SDK example
export const auth0 = createAuth0({
domain: 'https://localhost:4400',
clientId: '67c25b266aa911ee8c990242ac120002',
authorizationParams: {
audience: 'https://your-audience/',
scope: 'openid profile email offline_access',
The Auth0 SDK's require a https connection to work. This can easily be setup by using mkcert to create a self-signed certificate for your localhost.
A running example with setting up mkcert instruction can be found here at @simulacrum/ui
Cypress recommends using start-server-and-test to ensure the test process exits and any servers are shut down.
Make sure to follow the following convention for creating your own start command with Auth0-Cypress
npx start-server-and-test <first command> <first resource> <second command> <second resource> <test command>
As example:
# This will start the server and test commands in parallel
npx start-server-and-test \
# This will start the application server that will be tested against in Cypress
'npm run start:server' http://localhost:3000 \
# This will start the Auth0 simulator GraphQL server
'npm run start:auth0' http://localhost:4000 \ ##
# This will start the Cypress tests
cypress open
See the scripts section in package.json for various examples on the use of integrating
The following commands are now available in your test suite:
An example of these commands in use can be found in the login.spec.ts file.
creates the fake auth0 server with your configuration
describe('tests requiring auth', () => {
it('should access restricted resource', () => {
cy.createSimulation(); // Will use the default configuration set in cypress.config.ts
// OR
cy.createSimulation({ options }); // Will use the options passed in to start the simulated Auth0 server
creates a fake user that can be used to log into the fake auth0 server.
describe('tests requiring auth', () => {
it('should access restricted resource', () => {
.createSimulation({ options })
.given() // with no arguments a random user is created
describe('tests requiring auth', () => {
it('should access restricted resource', () => {
.given({ email: 'bob@gmail.com' }) // fixed fields
Depending on the SDK that has been configured, a token will be requested through the use of getTokenSilently(). Which will set the token in the local storage of the browser.
Call login and logout in your test. For example:
describe('log in', () => {
it('should get token without signing in', () => {
.createSimulation({ options })
.contains("Log out").should('not.exist')
.contains("Log out")
will destroy the simulation and do any clean up between tests like removing cookies.
When running my app in Cypress, the login is successful but the app is not logged in or it redirects me to the login page:
Make VERY sure that the Auth0 env variable values you're using, are the EXACT same as the variables you're passing into Cypress.
It is possible to hook up express middleware to log each endpoint that is called and any associated querystring or POST
data by simply adding the debug: true
option when calling createSimulation
describe('debug auth0 server', () => {
it("should log in and log out", () => {
cy.createSimulation({ debug: true })