Inform 6 Game - Originally an entry in EctoComp 2013 written in Inform 7. You can find that repo at
9/6/2020 - Updated this Readme to reflect the new rewrite of the original project, which can be found at the link above.
Since it's initial release in 2013 for the EctoComp competition, I've sporadically toyed with this one and added things here and there, though nothing concrete and this ended up sitting pretty idle for about 5 years. Being that this is the first game I released and it came out to mixed reviews (which I was happy with really as there were quite a few positive commments), I really want to see this come to completion to what I originally had envisioned.
In the summer of 2020, when I decided to get back into this, I felt like learning something new. Since I had been coding with Inform 7 for some time now, I decided that Inform 6 might be the logical thing to tackle.
So this is that project. Learning I6 as I go, but it will also be the updated version that I've wanted to create from the beginning.