
Build your app

You have 1 week to complete the challenge.

Implementation and design will be evaluated.

Submit your challenge

Follow these instructions to submit your challenge.

  • Fork this Repository
  • Setup your Development Environment
  • Write your Code
  • Create a PR off of your forked repo
  • Send me the PR so I can review it :)

Impress us with your skills


Jack owns so many cats that he can't keep track of all of them. He needs some way to keep track of all of his cats - almost like a Pokédex for cats.


Your app should be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Add a new Cat (Name, Breed, Description, or anything else you think would be important)
  • Remove Cats
  • Edit Cats
  • List all of his Cats
  • Persist data using React Contexts or Redux


The grading of the app will be based off of three criteria:

  • 30% - UI and UX
  • 40% - Overall Design and Structure
  • 30% - Data Management and Store

Set up your development environment:

If you have any issues following this README, try this resource:

Firstly, Fork this repo

start development server

Notes on installing the Expo CLI:

To run:

npx expo start

This should create a window like this:

Screenshot 2023-05-16 at 10 13 11 AM

You have 2 options for developing:

  • if you have your mobile phone, you can install the Expo Go app and scan the QR code that shows up. This is the easiest way to get started fast.

  • If you want to run on an emulator

    • if on mac, you can either install simulator (ios) or android studio. I recommend simulator: the shortcut to launch the app on the simulator after running expo start is : i

    • if on Windows, you must install android studio, open Virtual Device manager, launch an android emulator. The shortcut to launch the app on the simulator after running expo start is : i