
The intention is to clone this repo onto a raspberry pi, and then put the screen behind a mirror.

Primary LanguagePython


Recently, I re-imagined this project using react for the front end and wrapping it in an electron app. I still intend to run the voice assistant from this project as a way of managing your calendar. The updated UI is in the screen shot


The intention of this application is to load it on a raspberry pi and put a display behind a mirror. The assistant will display/tell you about information like weather and calendar events.

This smart mirror has a virtual assistant, called Jarvis, and a GUI display. I will outline what functionality each of these 2 features have and then I'll talk about how to set this up on your own Raspberry pi.

GUI Display:

In the top left, you'll see information about the weather, including temp, an image, weather summary. The top right has time and date. The bottom of the window has upcoming events for the next week according to your Google Calendar. This updates every 15 minutes. So if you add an event to your day tomorrow expect to see it on the mirror soon.

Virtual Assistant: Jarvis

To talk to the assistant, say "Hey Jarvis". You'll hear a beep and then you can ask for your assistant to do something. The virtual assistant has a lot of the same functionality that the GUI does. It can tell you the weather and what events you have scheduled for today.

The main difference is that you can ask Jarvis to set calendar events for you. So if you ask Jarvis to add an event to your calendar it will show up on the mirror in < 15 minutes. If you ask Jarvis for your events for the day, it will be up to date with the new event you just added.

The assistant can also play music for you. If you say "play Sandra's Rose" it will download an mp3 of your requested song from Youtube, play it, and then delete the file. If you say "Hey Jarvis" at anytime during playback, it will kill the music (there is no pause/fastforward/rewind functionality).

Set up