This application was created as a clone for the game, Flappy Bird, which I pulled from Deborah GitHub Project I Forked. To learn more about what Flappy Bird is, please visit its website. This project firmed up my knowledge on creating an application that implements SpriteKit.
The application offers the following features:
Technologies Used In Application:
- SpriteKit
- SKActions
- SKSpriteNodes
- Swift
- Openear framework (I tested 5 frameworks and openear is the best framework of all of them.)
Thought process on choosing the best framework: Google voice, Bing Voice was based on an online server, so they can't be faster than apple or openear.
Here is the flow: Audio recognize -> listening voice -> check quiet (end speech) -> processing -> recognize -> check right text -> action.
Testing The App:
- Download the project to your computer from this project page.
- Once the project is downloaded, open the .xcodeproj file from the folder.
- Run the project either using the iPhone simulator or your device. I recommend running the project on the latest iPhone device. It should be compiled with the latest version of Xcode.
- If you choose to download it on your device, please plug in your device to your computer and make the device target your device model. Then click 'run'.
In conclusion, I have learned a lot by working on this project. I am confident that I mastered SpriteKit in order to create an exciting and engaging application. Big thanks to Deborah Elizabeth Padilla for creating an iOS application that replicates the game, Flappy Bird for me to work on :).