$npm install
$ npm run dev
$ webpack --watch
Make sure you are in HELP project folder
There are few dependent config files requires in order to run the system.
//config/config.js => Required for HELP API and Firebase API
module.exports = {
baseURL: %API_URL%,
appKey: %APP_KEY%,
firebaseURL: %FIREBASE_URL%,
titleEnding: ' - UTS HELPS',
webpackEnv: %CURRENT_DEV_ENVIRONEMENT (development || production)%
//config/firebase.config.js => required for firebase authentication
module.exports = {
apiKey: %API_KEY%,
authDomain: %AUTH_DOMAIN%,
databaseURL: %DATEBASE_URL%,
storageBucket: %STORAGE_BUCKET%,
//.firebaserc => firebase hosting config
"projects": {
Help current uses several technologies
- [ReactJS] - Reconciliate your app to make it blazing fast at rendering
- [MobX] - Mob X helps you to build React App much more efficiently and easily
- [SCSS] - SCSS enables you to build CSS in structural way by eliminating repeated styling code
- [ITCSS] - CSS design pattern to enable you to componentize your CSS development
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework @tjholowaychuk
- [Webpack] - the streaming build system
- jQuery - duh
And of course Dillinger itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Free Software, Hell Yeah! http://dillinger.io/