Adds keyboard shortcuts for jumping between images on Imgur.
4 - Previous post
6 - Next post
5 - Next image in post
8 - Previous image in post
2 - load more images (if there are more than 10 in the post)
Copy and Paste the script into Tampermonkey (or Greasemonkey)
Save the javascript below as a bookmark then click it whenever you want to use it on a page (must click it again for each new page)
javascript: window.igc=window.imgurGalleryControls=function(){"use strict";function h(){"keypress",i)}function i(a){switch(f=j(".post-image-container, .post-image-meta, .post-action, .comments-info"),a.which){case 50:l();break;case 53:m(e);break;case 56:m(d);break;case 54:$(".navNext").click();break;case 52:$(".navPrev").click()}}function j(a){var b=$(a);return
(Minaly due to the way Imgur dynamically shows images after you load more than 10 of them)
- Extremely long images causes the script to assume it's the last image.